Nathani Charitable Trust 2017-18 Continued Education Scholarship :

Organisation : Nathani Charitable Trust (NCT)
Scholarship Name : Continued Education Scholarship Form 2017-18
Website :
Application Form :

Continued Education Scholarship :

Continued Education Scholarship Form 2017-18

Update : Nathani Charitable Trust Continued Education Scholarship 2018-19 :

Important Guidelines :
1. Acceptance of the application form does not GUARANTEE AID.
2. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Double form sent by an applicant will be rejected.
3. Only full time Government recognized professional courses conducted by a statutory body such as University, Board, Director of Technical Education, AICTE etc will be considered. Institutions and courses should be recognized and affiliated to established Universities/ Govt.
4. Decision of our committee regarding acceptance or rejection of application will remain final and no correspondence or clarification will be provided.
5. The student will be given scholarship on the basis of Aptitude, Intelligence quotient (IQ), Interest, Personality test also known as psychometric test results.
6. Please note that Aptitude, Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Interest, Personality test is to guide the student for best career option. Aptitude testing does not Guarantee of Scholarship.

** Application Form should be filled in ENGLISH Only.
** Application Form should be filled in BLOCK LETTERS
** Applicant should write in the boxes
** Applicant should write neat handwriting using Ball Pen only
** Incomplete Form will not be considered
** Applicant should AFFIX his/her LATEST PHOTOGRAPH
** No Double Form should be filled and sent by an Applicant

Document Information: (All documents must be attested)
1. Duly filled & signed/thumb impression application form (compulsory)
2. Additional One passport size recent photographs of the student
3. Attested copies of recent annual examination mark sheet (compulsory for new student)
4. Letter from School/College/Institute with break-up of fees (In original)
5. Letter from Coaching classes/Tuition with break –up of fees( In original)
6. Proof of admission/selection in course for which scholarship is applied for/ bonafied certificate
7. Copy of bank pass book –first page (name, bank a/c no, & address details)

Please send this form by POST to:
(Administrative office)
2nd Floor, Cecil Court, Near Regal Cinema, Mahakavi Bhushan Road,
Colaba, Mumbai – 400 039. India.

Telephone: 022-6122 6122
Time: 10:30 am-1:30 pm. 2:30- 5:30 pm (Monday to Friday)

About Nathani Charitable Trust :
A society can flourish only when its members do not spend all their wealth to fulfill their own desires but reserve a portion of it for relatives, neighbors, the poor and the deprived.

Islam, a magnificent & scientific religion & The Holy Qur’an, which contains infinitely more precise details than many scientific discoveries today which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science.

Isn’t it surprising that the solution to problem of Inequality in Society which a country like India is facing from centuries is already provided by Islam 1400 years back by introducing two forms of charity – Obligatory and Voluntary, called Zakah and Sadaqah respectively.

View Comments (1)

  • Please clarify, Is the scholarship for financially weak (or) all Memons? Does the fund include Jakat/ Sadqah ? © 2022

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