Cambridge Trust 2018-19 Prathiba M Singh Scholarship :

Organisation : University of Cambridge & Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation & Cambridge Trust
Scholarship Name : Prathiba M Singh Cambridge Scholarship 2018-19
Applicable For : Indian Students
Application Last Date : 15th November 2017
Website :

Prathiba M Singh Cambridge Scholarship :

This scholarship is available to Indian applicants for the LLM (Masters in Law).

Related :  Cambridge Trust 2018-19 Pemanda Monappa Scholarship :

No separate application is required for this scholarship. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview in New Delhi.

The Last Date for applications to the LLM in 2018-19 is 15 November 2017.

Applicants should show a strong interest in the study of Intellectual Property Law, should show a positive intention to pursue a legal career in India, and should need financial assistance in order to study in Cambridge.

Value: Variable

Funding partners: Prathiba M Singh

About Prathiba M Singh:
Prathiba M Singh, an Indian alumna of the Faculty of Law, has donated a scholarship that will allow other Indian students to complete an LLM at the world-renowned Faculty of Law in the University of Cambridge.

Singh undertook a Master of Law degree there in 1992, and then returned to India to work in Intellectual Property. She became the managing partner of Singh & Singh Law Firm in New Delhi.

She is considered one of India’s leading IP litigators, has argued and handled a large number of IP cases in India, and advised several Indian and international clients. Some of her cases are considered landmark cases.

She was named Best Woman IP Litigator in Asia at the Euromoney Asia Women in Business Law Awards 2012, and her firm has been hailed as Firm of the Year at the 2013 Managing IP Global Awards for IP Contentious work in India.

In 2013 Prathiba Singh was designated Senior Advocate by the Delhi High Court, the first time that an Intellectual Property practitioner has been elevated to this role. Four years on, in May 2017, Prathiba was elevated to a Judge of the Delhi High Court, becoming Justice Prathiba M Singh.

The Prathiba M Singh Cambridge Scholarship, available to Indian applicants to the LLM, enables exceptional students to follow in her academic and professional footsteps. Eligible students are those who show a strong interest in Intellectual Property Law and who intend to pursue a legal career in India.

Notes For Students:
You are encouraged to use the Trust’s scholarships search to find all the awards for which you may be eligible.

NB: the Last Date for applications to the LLM in 2018-19 is 15 November 2017.

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