Cambridge Trust 2018-19 Pemanda Monappa Scholarship :

Organisation : University of Cambridge & Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation & Cambridge Trust
Scholarship Name : Pemanda Monappa Scholarship 2018-19
Applicable For : Indian Students, Residents of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
Applicable States : Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
Application Last Date : 15th November 2017
Website :

Pemanda Monappa Scholarship :

This scholarship is available to Masters applicants from India in the following subjects: Biological Sciences (excluding Medicine and Veterinary Medicine), Computer Science, Economics, English Literature, Law, Physical Sciences, Technology.

Related : Cambridge Trust 2018-19 Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship :

No separate application is required for this scholarship. NB: the Last Date for applications to the LLM in 2018-19 is 15 November 2017.

** Applicants should require financial assistance in order to study at the University of Cambridge.
** Applicants should also have a close connection with one of the following States: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu. (A close connection is defined as having completed a first degree at a recognized university in one of those States, or having been born in one of those States, or having completed the larger part of their school education in one of those States.)

Value: Variable

Funding partners: Pemanda Monappa Scholarship Fund

About Pemanda Monappa Scholarship Fund :
The Pemanda Monappa Scholarship Fund was established in 2010 by a donation from Mr P M Belliappa. The fund is in memory of his father, Pemanda Monappa, who was a distinguished and highly-decorated officer of the Indian Police, born in Kodagu District, Karnataka State.

The Fund is managed by the Cambridge Trust in order to offer the Pemanda Monappa Scholarship, available to Masters applicants from India in the following subjects: Biological Sciences (excluding Medicine and Veterinary Medicine), Computer Science, Economics, English Literature, Law, Physical Sciences, Technology.

Note for students :
You are encouraged to use the Trust’s scholarships search to find all the awards for which you may be eligible.

NB: the Last Date for applications to the LLM in 2018-19 is 15 November 2017

About Cambridge Trust :
The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust was established on 1 August 2013 from the merger of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust. These were established as charities by the University of Cambridge in the 1980s in order to provide financial support for international students on degree courses at Cambridge.

The Trust awards approximately 400 scholarships annually, and supports between 1,100 and 1,400 students in residence each year from 85 countries across the world. During its history of over 30 years of offering scholarships at the University of Cambridge, the Trust has awarded a total of nearly 18,000 scholarships to international students. © 2022

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