Ethos India Charles Correa Memorial Scholarship :

Organisation : Ethos India
Scholarship Name : Charles Correa Memorial Scholarship
Website :
Notification :

Charles Correa Memorial Scholarship :

Project Bridge, is a scholarship program wherein students of architecture are encouraged to follow their dreams with no encumbrances.

Related : Ethos India Saint Gobain Scholarship 2018 :

** We are looking at extending our support to promising students who want to take a step ahead into the future, into our future!
** We are looking to build more leaders who are ready to ask the right questions and then earnestly work in the direction of finding their answers.
** As Rabindranath Tagore once said, “Age considers, youth ventures.” Project Bridge is aiming at tapping this curious nature of the youth.
** The intention of these scholarships is to lend a helping hand to those students of architecture who are really passionate about the field but are facing constraints that are obstacles in their path to emerging as well-rounded professionals.
** The monetary value of the scholarship will be directly equal to the fees due for a year at the college of study amounting to a maximum of Rs.50,000 and a mechanism will be worked out to pay it directly to the respective college; but the actual value to the winning individual will be much more.
** It will act as a morale booster and will help take the student’s mind away from the constraint, helping in focusing on their future goals.
** The scholarship celebrates the spirit of “Pay it forward” wherein STUDENT RECIEVES SCHOLARSHIP > ESTABLISHES SELF> GIVES SCHOLARSHIP TO A STUDENT and the cycle continues.
** We believe, a helping hand when offered at the right time can make a real difference, and no one understands it better than the winners of this scholarship! Thus, while this is not mandatory, we urge the winners to help us keep the cycle alive and sponsor a scholarship when they have established themselves.
** We hope that Project Bridge would help in bridging the gap between what the student is and what he/she wants to be.

The Process:
** ** The applicant could fill up the form online on the—an-ethosintitiative/registration.php?ig=MTQz
** Alternatively, the applicants could fill the form given below and send it to
** The jury will select the students who would be then awarded this scholarship.
** The awards will be announced during the NDTV DAA AWARDS Ceremony in January

Eligibility Criteria :
** Individual application
** Students from any year may apply

Along with the form please upload 2 A4 jpg samples of your best work along with this application form or provide link where uploaded.

The samples could include academic work, competition work, work pursued during training, hobbies such as photography, journalism, art etc. Choose what you showcase carefully so that it represents your best. Please ensure that it is your original work that is sent.

Alternately you may choose to send the filled up form along with work samples to the following id- Please do not copy or send this mail to any other id else the entry won’t be considered. © 2022

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