Awaaz IIT Kharagpur Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship/ Freeship :

Organisation : Awaaz, Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur
Scholarship Name : Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship/ Freeship
Website :

Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship/ Freeship :

These scholarships are awarded from the Institute funds. The Institute shall award scholarships on the basis of merit-cum-means to all eligible students of the 4-year B.Tech.(Hons.), 5-year Dual degree, 5-year B.Arch.(Hons.) and 5-year Integrated M.Sc. courses, in accordance with the following rules

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Rules :
1.1 All students admitted to any of the 4-year B.Tech.(Hons.), 5-year Dual Degree, 5-year B.Arch.(Hons.) and 5-year Integrated M.Sc. courses, except the students belonging to SC and ST (who are eligible for Post- Matric Scholarship of their respective State Governments), and the students admitted through DASA channel, who fulfill the conditions hereinafter appearing shall be eligible for the award of the Merit-Cum- Means (MCM) scholarship.

1.2 These scholarships will be awarded to not more than 25% of the students admitted each year to the Undergraduate and Dual Degree courses.
1.3 The value of these scholarships shall be as determined by the Board of Governors from time to time.
1.4 All MCM scholarship holders will be entitled to exemption from payment of Institute tuition fee. They shall, however be required to pay all other prescribed fees.

1.5 (a) The MCM scholarships will be payable for all 12 months of the academic session, from the month of July of one year to the month of June of the following year.

(b) Scholarships for the month of July shall be paid in full regardless of the date in July when the Institute reopens after the Summer Vacation, provided the student joins the Institute on the prescribed date of registration. Otherwise, the scholarship for the month of July shall be paid on a pro-rata basis.

1.6 No student will be permitted to enjoy more than one scholarship during the same period. In the event of an awardee becoming eligible for another scholarship from any other source, he will have the option to accept either of the two. In such a case he/she is required to communicate in writing his/her choice to the Dean Undergraduate Studies.

1.7 The initial award of the scholarship and its annual renewal through proper application shall be governed by the following conditions :
1.7.1 The student satisfies the merit criterion laid down for the award of these scholarships.
1.7.2 The parent/guardian of the student satisfies the means criterion laid down for the award of the scholarship.
1.7.3 No disciplinary action has been taken or pending against him/her during the preceding year.
1.7.4 He/She has not been punished under examination malpractice and involved in violation of code of conduct at any period of time in the Institute/Hall of Residence/Department/Gymkhana etc.

1.8 The merit criterion for the award of the scholarship shall be as follows:
1.8.1 For fresh entrants, the student should have obtained at least 60% marks in aggregate or a grade corresponding to 60% marks in the qualifying examination for JEE Advanced.

1.8.2 For subsequent renewals, the student’s performance in the two consecutive semesters of the preceding session, i.e., the average of the two SGPAs concerned, as updated after the supplementary/summer quarter examination, must not be lower than 7.00.

1.9 The upper limit of annual income as laid down by the Government of Rules and Regulations Updated – May 2016 Page 52 India from time to time shall be applicable as the means criterion for the award of the scholarships. The income during the financial year completed before the session commences shall be taken into consideration for this purpose.

1.10 An employer’s certificate/copy of the income tax return/income affidavit for the financial year preceding the grant or renewal of the award, as the case may be, shall have to be submitted by the parent/guardian of the student along with the application for the scholarship.

1.11 In the event of a tie among two or more applicants for the award of the last available scholarship, every student involved in the tie will be awarded the scholarship even if the total number of scholarships exceeds the 25% limit.

1.12 The scholarship holder must :
(a) obey all the regulations laid down in the regarding attendance
(b) appear in all the semester examinations except for illness or calamity in the family (to be supported by documents). In case of any breach the scholarship would be terminated.

1.13 Outstanding Institute and Hall dues, if any, may be deducted at the source and the balance, if any, would be paid to the scholar.

1.14 Those students who satisfy the specified means criterion but are unable to satisfy the specified merit criterion may be granted exemption from the payment of tuition fees. The number of such tuition-free students shall be restricted to 10% of the students admitted each year.

1.15 In the event it is detected at any period of time that a student has availed the MCM scholarship by furnishing false documents or suppressed any material information leading to the grant of scholarship, the scholarship will be stopped immediately and inquiry will be conducted to verify the facts. The Standing Disciplinary Committee may in such cases submit its recommendation for the approval of the Chairman, Senate. © 2022

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