Master Stroke USA UnivQuest Scholarships :

Organisation : MasterStroke
Scholarship Name : USA UnivQuest Scholarships
Applicable For : Class IX, X, XI & XII
Website : masterstroke [dot] usaunivquest [dot] com

USA UnivQuest Scholarships :

Study with 100% Scholarship at Top Ranked Universities in the USA

Related : SANTA MONICA Scholarships & Education Loan :

Ivy League Scholarship :
3 students from each class will get Scholarships to study in the IVY League Universities of the USA

Statue of Liberty Scholarship:
3 students from each class will get Scholarships to study in the Best Ranked Universities of the USA

The Top 3 students across India from each of class IX, X, XI & XII will be shortlisted for each category of the Scholarships.

Register for The Scholarships :
** The Registration Form is available online at
** Rs 500/- for Scholarships (includes both Ivy League & Statue of Liberty Scholarships) Registration

Online Payment Mode (Both Registration & Payment is Online):
Visit our Online Registration Portal and create an account for yourself using an e-mail ID as your user name. After completing your online application, pay the prescribed fee online through your Master / Visa (Credit / Debit) card.

Offline Payment Mode:
e-Application (Registration is Online but Payment is Offline)
** Visit our Online Registration Portal and create an account for yourself using an e-mail ID as your user name. Take a print of your Online Application (e-Application) and submit it in person at your nearest USA UnivQuest* / Associate# Center along with 2 passport size photographs and the Registration Fee in Cash or DD.

** You can also post / courier printout of your e-Application Form along with 2 passport size photographs and the Registration Fee in DD to the nearest USA UnivQuest* / Associate# Center.

Paper-Application (Both Registration & Payment is Offline):
Fill in your complete details in the Paper Application Form and submit it at the nearest USA UnivQuest* / Associate# Center. The Application Form should be submitted in person alongwith 2 passport size photographs and the Registration Fee in Cash or DD.

You can also post / courier your Paper Application Form along with 2 passport size photographs and the Registration Fee in DD to the nearest USA UnivQuest* / Associate# Center.

Powers of the Scholarships Committee:
1. The Management of USA UnivQuest has formed a Scholarships Committee to decide on all aspects of the Scholarships. Accordingly, the decision(s) of the Committee will be final and binding on all students as well as USA UnivQuest management.

2. The Committee may, in the absence of receiving adequate number of appropriate and strong applications, decide to defer, cancel, modify or merge the Scholarships. In this regard, all decision(s) of the Committee will be final and binding on the students as well as USA UnivQuest management.

3. The Committee reserves the right to entirely cancel the Scholarships and/or modify the terms and conditions for conferring the Scholarships, without prior notice to either the students or USA UnivQuest management. In this regard, all decision(s) of the Committee will be final and binding on the students as well as USA UnivQuest management.

4. The Committee has decided to withhold the metrics of assessment to pre-empt the possibility of students padding their applications for the Scholarships. The Committee reserves the right of not making public their method and metrics for assessing suitability of students for the Scholarships.

About the Scholarships:
5. Assessment for the Scholarships will be extremely rigorous. Students need to present a holistic profile, be academically meritorious and demonstrate a clear vision on how they can contribute to the betterment of society.

6. The Ivy League Scholarship will be available only if the student is admitted to any of the Ivy League Universities in the USA. These Universities are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University and Yale University.

7. The Statue of Liberty Scholarship will be available only if the student is admitted to any of the following top ranked universities in the USA: California Institute of Technology, University of Chicago, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern University and Stanford University.

8. At the time of being shortlisted for the Scholarships mentioned above, students will have to indicate their choice of:
(a) 3 Universities among those listed for that Scholarship category, and
(b) intended major.

9. To be eligible for availing the Scholarship, students must fulfil both the conditions of:
(a) being admitted in at least one among the 3 universities mentioned at the time of shortlisting, and
(b) being admitted in the major mentioned at the time of shortlisting.

10. In case of a tie, there will be several stages of tie-breaking:
(a) first tie-breaker will be based on the gender – female student will win.
(b) second tie-breaker will be based on better performance in the College Curriculum Assessment Test.
(c) third tie-breaker will be based on better performance in Potential Discovery Test or Official Test Scores submitted in lieu thereof.
(d) final tie-breaker will be based on age – the younger student will win.

Disbursal of Scholarship:
11. The Scholarship amount would consist of full tuition fees of the designated university and living expenses of USD 800 per month. Also, a one-time payment of one-way economy class airfare for the student and two-way economy class airfare for an accompanying adult will be paid when the student first joins the designated university in the USA. No other expenses are admissible.

12. The Scholarship amount for tuition fee and living expenses will be paid in advance instalments at the beginning of each semester. The tuition fee will be transferred directly to the designated university and the living expenses will be transferred on a quarterly basis to the student’s bank account.

13. The Scholarship will be disbursed for the next semester only when the student fulfils all the requirements for continuation of their Scholarship.

14. If the Scholarship is stopped due to any lacunae on the part of the student and/or their guardian, the Scholarship will lapse automatically. © 2022

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