Mahaguru Educational Trust Scholarship Application :

Organisation : Mahaguru Educational Trust
Scholarship Name : Scholarship Application Form
Website :
Application Form :

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

1. This scholarship is intended for the students who are financially very weak, who have completed their PUC and aspiring to study graduation or any professional diplomas

Related / Similar Scholarship : KVVS Bangalore Merit Scholarships

2. Students appearing for the PUC II examination in academic year 20__-__ and having confidence of scoring more than 75% in the first attempt are eligible to apply. Candidates currently pursuing graduation with more than 80% score in their PUC II results may also apply
3. Incomplete or false application will be rejected. Students should send the filled in Application Form to Mahaguru Educational Trust office address given below before the last date mentioned on the first page.
4. The decision of the Board of Management of Mahaguru Educational Trust is final.
5. Poverty assessment will not be based on documents alone. Mahaguru Educational Trust volunteers will visit the residence of the applicant to assess the situation.
6. Attach necessary documents and proofs about what you have given in Application form.
7. Refer trust website for any more information on the trust

Selection Process:
Step1: All the qualifying applications will be thoroughly reviewed and shortlisted based on the merit and criteria laid down by the trust
Step2: Trust volunteers may visit qualifying candidates’ (in Step1) homes for eligibility assessment.
Step3: Finalizing the candidate lists
Step4: Selected candidates will be informed about their selection for the scholarship and will be invited to attend the scholarship awarding function in Hubli. Scholarship will be honored through a cheque.
Step5: At last candidate has to produce receipts or statements about the usage of the scholarship.

List of documents to be attached:
Please attach the following documents along with the application form.

Certificates/Documents :
1. Marks sheet of SSLC
2. Marks sheet of PUC I
3. Marks sheet of PUC II
4. CET ranking report Optional
5. Income certificate Optional
6. Copy of ID card with photo
7. Other Optional

Application Needs To Be Sent To:
Mahaguru Educational Trust, c/o Mahesh Patil
N3, Plot No: 117, Rohininivas, 6th Main, Postal Colony,
Sanjaynagar, Bangalore – 560094

Contact Number for any queries: 080-4098580

About MET:
Way back in 1969, a young teacher from Mysore joined a school in Hubli. The lucky school was J.T.S. (Junior Technical School). And thus began the saga of a redoubtable human being called C.S. Sridhar, popularly known as “Sridhar Sir”.

Rising from crippling poverty and a debilitating disease (asthma), he went on to bring about a social revolution of sorts by sponsoring the education of more than 500 students who were bright but couldn’t afford higher education. Most of whom are engineers, doctors and other professionals today. He helped irrespective of students’ caste, creed or gender.

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