Result of NOS Selection Year 2017-18 National Overseas Scholarship 1st List : Social Justice & Empowerment

Organisation : Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Scholarship Name : National Overseas Scholarship 2017-18
Announcement : Result of NOS Selection Year 2017-18/ 1st List
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NOS Result

National Overseas Scholarship Selection Year 2017-18 Provisional Recommended Candidate (1st List)

Update : Social Justice Result of NOS National Overseas Scholarship 1st List For Selection Year 2018-19 :

Important Notes

1. Under the scheme of National Overseas Scholarship for the Selection Year 2017-18, 27 candidates have been provisionally recommended by the competent authority for the award of Scholarship/Assurance under 1st list on the basis of information furnished by the candidates in the application form and other documents submitted along with it.

Under 2nd Supplementary list (4th List) for selection year 2016-17 on the basis of information furnished by the candidates in the application form , documents submitted along with it and the additional information/documents which were sought under 1st round from the applicants of selection year 2016-17, 2 more candidates have been selected for assurance of scholarship. The 1st list for selection year 2017-18 is at Annexure 1 and 2nd Supplementary list (4th List) for selection year 2016-17 is at Annexure 2.

2. The candidature of the selected candidates is PROVISIONAL subject to their being found eligible in all respects. The candidates would be required to produce the original certificates in support of their claims relating to age, educational qualifications, caste, income etc before actual release of funds. They are, therefore, advised to keep the said certificates ready.

3. 57 applications which were received up to 18.07.2017 during the selection year 2017-18 and 02 (two) applications pertaining to selection year 2016-17 ( out of 32 candidates from whom the additional information/documents were sought under 1st round ) have been considered by screening cum selection committee .

4. Provisional award/assurance letters will be issued to selected candidates shortly. The selection would be confirmed subject to verification of all original documents and fulfilment of the other eligibility requirements like Police verification, Confirmation of admission, accreditation of college/university by Indian Missions abroad etc. as per scheme.

The provisional award letter will, however, not bestow any legal rights on the candidate to claim the award and the award will be cancelled if any information/documents submitted by candidate are found to be false/incorrect.

5. All documents submitted by provisionally selected candidates are subject to verification for genuineness. If information/document submitted by the candidate is established as false, he/she will be debarred from the award and if he/she has availed scholarship or is availing scholarship, action will be initiated for recovery of the scholarship disbursed with 15% compound interest thereon. Such candidate is also liable to be black listed for future.

6. The committee also recommended that the 15 candidates who could not be considered owing to incomplete application, non-furnishing of information/documents, income ceiling etc. may be given a chance to rectify the deficiencies as observed in their applications. The names of such candidates are given in Annexure-3. A letter will be issued in this regard to all such candidates via email clearly specifying the requirements.

If an awardee has not provided his/her email id in application form, the letter will be issued via Speed post. The applicant has to submit the said documents within 30 days from receipt of such letter failing which, their application for NOS 2017-18 will be treated as closed and no correspondence will be entertained.

7. List of ineligible/rejected candidates for NOS selection year 2017-18 may be seen at Annexure 4 along with reasons for rejection.
8. Application received after 18.07.2017 will be considered in next meeting of Selection and Screening Committee.

Provisional Recommended Candidate

1.Ms. Shruti Gangawane:
Masters in Engineering & Management
City University of London, UK.
Award of Scholarship subject to verification of caste certificate and submission of Form 16 for financial year 2016-17.

2. Sh. Vikalp Shastri:
Masters in Computer Science
Pace University, New York, USA
Award of Scholarship subject to verification of income/ employment details of applicant

3. Sh. Pawan Dandekar:
Masters in Engineering & Management
The University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, USA
Award of Scholarship subject to production of original income certificate.

4. Sh. Ashutosh Lanjewar:
Masters in Health care Administration
Niagara University, New York
Assurance subject to production of caste validity certificate.

5. Sh. Jadhav Sanmit Vishnu:
Masters in Mechanical Engineering
Teesside University, UK
Assurance subject to income verification of father

6. Sh. Sumit Shinde:
Masters in Mechanical Engineering
New York Institute of Technology, New York, USA
Assurance subject to production of ITR form for 2016-17

7. Km. Purnima Tanaji:
Masters in Advanced Science
Cardiff University, UK
Assurance subject to production of caste validity certificate /Bachelor degree percentage verification

8. Km. Chaitali Deotale:
Masters in Engineering
Cardiff University, UK

9. Sh. Yogendra Kumar:
Ph. D in Applied Science
University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Assurance subject to submission of IRT and Form 16.

10. Sh. Surinder Pal:
Masters in Management & Optimization of supply chains
IMT Atlantique, Nantes Campus France
Assurance subject to production of income certificate in prescribed format

11. Sh. Shridhar Kamble:
Masters in Mechanical Engineering
University of Melbourne, Australia

12. Km. Sunita Muneshwar:
Masters in Engineering & Management
Rivier University, New Hampshire, UK
Assurance subject to submission of caste validity certificate and details about father’s income.

13. Km. Akshara:
Masters in Pure Science
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Assurance subject to verification of certificate of landless agricultural labourers

14. Sh. Kumar Vivek Gautam:
Masters in Business Management
Massey University, New Zealand

15. Km. Shweta Jawade:
Masters in Business Administration
Cardiff University, UK
Assurance subject to income certificate of financial year 2016-17 & production of caste validity certificate.

16. Sh. Birendra Singh:
Ph. D in Humanities Social Science & Fine Art
International Institute of social studies, Netherland

17. Sh. Suraj Suryawansh:
Masters in Civil Engineering
University of Southampton, UK
Assurance subject to completion of the application. Unsigned Application

18. Sh. Kshitiz Gajbhiye:
Masters in Industrial Engineering
Northeastern University, Massachusetts, USA
Assurance subject to income details submissions including ITR/relevant documents.

19. Sh. Nagrare Rushabh Padmakar:
Masters in Civil Engineering
George Brown College, Ontario, Canada
Assurance subject to family income verification

20. Sh. Ashish Chakranarayan:
Masters in Accounting
Western Sydney University, Australia
Assurance subject to caste & marks verification

21. Sh. Sushant Powar:
Masters in Engineering & Management
Monash University, Australia

22. Sh. Pradip Sahebrao Wakale:
Masters in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Leicester, UK

23. Sh. Dadasaheb Tandale:
Ph. D in Humanities & Social Science
University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Assurance subject to caste/income verification. Undertaking for gap from 2008-17 to be obtained

24. Sh. Shubham Vasanta Bankar:
Masters in Energy Engineering
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts, USA

25. Sh. Himanshu:
Masters in Humanities/ Pure and Applied Science
Mongolian National University of Education, Mongolia
Assurance subject to clarification about father/family income

26. Sh. Meshram Nayan Govinda:
Masters in Energy Engineering
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts, USA

27. Sh. Vamsi C H:
Masters in Materials Science & Nanotechnology
Linkoping University, Sweden
Assurance subject to confirmation of caste/ income certificate

To view full list of candidates, kindly refer the PDF given above.

View Comments (2)

  • I am Kamal Preet Kaur applied on 13.9.2017 for masters in France and I got offer letter with last date 7.12.2017 now got a new one dated 7.01.18 for submitting one year fees. My name is in list 2017-18. What shall I do, if not submitted earlier? © 2022

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