Alok Sir Classes ASAT 2017 Scholarship Cum Early Admission Test :

Organisation : Alok Sir Classes
Scholarship Name : ASAT 2017 Scholarship Cum Early Admission Test
Applicable For : Class XIth & XIIth Moving Students
Exam Dates : 26/November/2017, 17/December/2017, 12/November/2017, 26/November/2017)
Website :

ASAT Scholarship :

Alok Sir Classes Scholarship – Cum – Early – Admission -Test, Dates Announced. Class XIth Moving Students (26/November/2017) And (17/December/2017), Class XIIth Moving Students (12/November/2017) And (26/November/2017)

Related : Anil Tutorials Scholarship For Pre-Foundation :

What is ASAT ?:
ASAT stands for Alok Sir Classes Scholarship cum Admission Test. ASAT is required in courses, IIT-JEE Lakshya and IIT-JEE Eklavya Course. For taking admission in these courses student has to qualify ASAT first.

What are the criteria of ALOK SIR CLASSES Scholarship cum Admission Test (ASAT) ?:
ASAT is conducted for JEE (MAIN + ADVANCED) courses at Alok Sir Classes with below criteria:

1.) Class XIth moving students syllabus – NTSE level.
2.) Class XIIth moving students – First seven chapters of XIth.

Do you provide any sample paper of ASAT ?:
No, you can’t get ASAT sample papers.

I am not qualified in the ASAT; can I appear in next ASAT ?:
No, you can appear in next ASAT.

If my ward is not satisfied with ASAT result can he/she appear for the second chance and which result will be considered ?
Yes, the student can appear in next ASAT also by filling new Application Form.

How will I get admit card for ASAT ?:
You can download ASAT Admit card 7 days prior to ASAT date from ALOK SIR CLASSES website.

How will I come to know about my ASAT result ?:
ASAT result will be announced on ALOK SIR CLASSES website within seven days of test. Confirmation message will be sent on your registered mobile number.

I am not able to go to test center, can I give ASAT online ?:
No, ASAT is conducted offline only.

My ward wants to take admission in ALOK SIR CLASSES but will not be able to come before class commencement so is there any other way I can pay fees ?:
Yes, you can pay the fees either online via Internet Banking, for more details please refer ALOK SIR CLASSES website ‘how to apply’.

I will not be able to bring Cash to pay fee. What other modes are available to pay at ALOK SIR CLASSES center ? :
You can pay by Cheque or Demand Draft issued in favor of ALOK SIR CLASSES Pvt. Ltd, or can also pay cash at counter or make online payment through RTGS or Internet Banking, Details for the same are available at our office.

I am eligible for ASAT Scholarship how much amount do I have to pay after deducting scholarship ?:
ASAT scholarship can be availed either at the time of registration on total fees or at the time of paying second installment on total amount. You can get your detailed fee Challan from ALOK SIR CLASSES website.

What is the minimum amount I have to pay to confirm my admission at ALOK SIR CLASSES?:
You will have to pay at least first installment to confirm your admission at ALOK SIR CLASSES. My ward is not well and would not be able to continue his classes at ALOK SIR CLASSES.

Can I send refund request through email ?:
No, for refund you have to come to ALOK SIR CLASSES Centre, and submit the refund form within the prescribed time period as mentioned in our website or before last date of refund. No request of refund over email will be entertained and also after time period.

What are your refund policies ?:
Pls. refer fee refund in course section ( © 2022

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