Scholarship Scheme : Charitable Trust

Organization : Sankshema Charitable Trust
Scholarship Name : Sankshema Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Students from Medical, Engineering, M.B.A, M.C.A, Bachelors of Commerce (B.Com), Bachelors of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Nursing, etc
Website :

Sankshema Scholarship Scheme

Many of them are children of poor farmers and daily wage laborers who go to great lengths to provide their children basic education. The students themselves study in conditions which would not be acceptable in any developed country.

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Sankshema Scholarship 2020 Selected Students

They lack basic infrastructure like a table and chair sufficient books etc. In spite of these odds, they manage to qualify in the entrance exams for professional streams, but they back out due to lack of financial support.

Goal :
“To provide scholarships to meritorious students from economically deprived rural communities”


Applicant must have passed intermediate exams and apply / Join a professional course.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Sankshema Scholarship Scheme
Steps :
Step 1 : Individual have to apply in a plane paper
Step 2 : Specifying the reasons why He/She requires the scholarship.
Step 3 : Brief family history of parents such us no.of brothers and sisters with ages and their marital status, and their occupation
Step 4 : Occupation and method of livelihood Earnings of the parents.
Step 5 : The applicant’s present qualification and marks obtained with documents.

Whom to Apply?

The chairman
Sankshema Charitable Trust
Sushruta Cancer hospital
Saraswathi nagar
Phone : 7288887646, 7729985109, 7729985110.

Enclosures to Applicant

** SSC /10th class memorandum of marks
** Intermediate memo
** EAMCET/ICET/NEET Examination rank card (Compulsory).
** Professional course latest marks sheet all the above must be Xerox copies only (not originals).
** Aadhar card number with Xerox

Communication Details of Applicant

All candidates applying for scholarship must clearly write postal address and their personal mobile number for communication to the candidates through ordinary post only.

Responsibility of Sankshema

Sankshema trust will select on a random basis a few among the applications for interview. After interview persons selected for scholarship will be Informed by letter through ordinary post only their names will be put up on the notice board of Sushruta cancer hospital, Karimnagar and also uploaded to the website of sankshema at Sankshema trust is not responsible for not receiving the communication by post.

Selection Criteria

The basic criteria for selecting students are:
1. Economic backwardness
2. Merit
3. Scholarships are renewed in subsequent years depending on a minimum performance of 55%. Selection is done by an independent committee nominated by the Trust.

Contact Postal Address:
Sankshema Charitable trust
Sushruta Cancer Therapy and Research Institute
Saraswathinagar, Karimnagar – 505001

Tel: + 91-0878-2278744, 2278586
E-mail: info [AT]

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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