lpu.in Special Scholarship for Toppers of Education Board : Punjab Lovely Professional University

Organization : Lovely Professional University
Scholarship Name : Special Scholarship for Toppers of Education Board
University Location : Punjab

Website : http://www.lpu.in/scholarship/special_scholarship_for_toppers_of_education_board.php

Special Scholarship for Toppers of Education Board:
LPU offers special scholarship scheme of full tuition fee waiver to top 20 students of every recognized board (state, central and open board) subject to minimum of 1000 students should have appeared in the exam.

The scholarship scheme is as mentioned below:
** Full Tuition Fee waiver, and
** Free Stay in 4 Seater Room (Air Cooler) in Residential Facility or Free Transport Facility.

Basic Conditions:
** In case of open board, students must have scored atleast 90% marks.
** In case the board is giving same rank to multiple students, scholarship will be given to all students subject to scoring atleast 97% marks.

For e.g. There are 10 students having same marks and board is giving them same rank (rank 10) in that case scholarship will be given to all 10 students (upto top 20 rank holders) if they are having atleast 97% marks even if there are 50 students above this rank.

Some additional conditions are also recommended for continuing the scholarship in order to keep the student focused and maintaining a check on his/her performance.

Additional Conditions :
The student shall maintain a CGPA of 8.00 (or 72% marks in marks based programmes) in first year (first two semesters), 8.5 CGPA (i.e. 76.5% marks) in second year and 9.0 CGPA ( i.e. 81% marks) in third year. In case the CGPA falls below the prescribed limit, the special scholarship will be withdrawn and normal scholarship will be applicable in successive years as per the qualifying marks in eligibility qualification or any other criteria as normally applicable. The special scholarship (full tuition fee waiver) will not be continued again on attaining required condition in the subsequent semester(s). Result / CGPA declared till the last date of payment of fee (without late fee) will be considered for deciding continuation of scholarship for the next term(s).

The following example will illustrate the implementation of this scholarship scheme:
A student had 89% marks in 10+2 but he was topper of his state board and thus admitted with full tuition fee waiver and 4 seater room (Air Cooler) in residential facility. Fee for the successive terms is supposed to be paid before the end term exam of previous term. So fee of 2nd term is paid before the end of first term and similarly fee of 3rd term is paid before the end of 2nd term and so on. So by default the student admitted under this scholarship scheme will not be asked to pay the fee of 2nd term as his result of 1st term will not be out by the last date of fee payment for 2nd term.

So full scholarship offered at the time of admission will continue for second semester. However by the last date of payment for the fee of 3rd semester, student must have CGPA of 8.0 and in case CGPA declared till date (only result of 1st semester may be available by now) is less than 8.0, then full scholarship of the student will be suspended and from the third term onwards student will be awarded with scholarship of 80% – 89.99% bracket (with or without EDB depending on the date of admission), and student will also be required to pay residential fee (residence).

Student should never be put under any disciplinary probation (UMC, Suspension due to any reason etc.). The special scholarship will be withdrawn and student will be treated at par with normal students.

Laundry and Meal Plan will be optional and if opted, student will have to pay for the same.

It will be responsibility of the student to provide the necessary documents for authenticating his / her top position in the concerned board / university.

All other conditions as mentioned under the head “Terms & Conditions for LPU-Scholarship, Financial Aid, EDB and its Different Phases” will also be applicable.

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