GSAT 2017 GATEFORUM’s Scholarship & Admission Test

Organisation : GATEFORUM
Scholarship Name : GSAT 2017 GATEFORUM’s Scholarship & Admission Test
Applicable For : Students of all streams
Exam Date : 8th Oct 2017
Website :

GSAT Scholarship Test :

GATEFORUM, promoted by alumni of the IIMs and IITs, is the largest organization in the field of GATE training, with a presence in more than 65 cities and having trained more than 1,80,000 students since inception. GATEFORUM is the number 1 institute for preparation for GATE Exam.

Update :GSAT Gateforum Scholarship Admission Test GATE 2020-2021

Test Details:
** GSAT will be a multiple-choice question (MCQ) test containing a total of 30 Questions (15 Engineering Mathematics, 10 Numerical Ability & 5 Verbal Ability questions) to be answered in 60 minutes.
** GSAT will be a paper-based test conducted offline with responses to be marked in an OMR sheet
** Each question will have 4 options out of which exactly one option will be correct.
** Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark, each wrong answer will be awarded -0.25 mark. Questions left unanswered will not be awarded any marks.
** GSAT will be conducted for students of all streams

Date Time Registration Fee Scholarship Rewards Venue
8th Oct 2017 10AM – 1PM & 2PM to 5PM 50/- Scholarships worth 50 lakhs & an Iphone to the topper Gateforum Ghaziabad,
C-5/RDC, 2nd Floor,
Above Reliance,Opp. Bank of India, Rajnagar,
Ghaziabad – 201001

Gateforum shall not take any responsibility for the following:
** Cheques, Money Orders, DDs etc. lost in transit (while they are being sent to us). Please do not send cash by post.
** We will not take the responsibility of that either. Please take a copy of DDs / Cheques sent to us by post for future reference.
** Response to all queries related to performance in papers etc. to students – Our liability extends only upto provision of tests and does not extend to giving a feedback and solving queries of the students.
** However, we do invite queries on the same, and all replies sent will be subject to the time available to our panel of experts.

Terms and Conditions for online payments:
** GESPL has tied up with Billdesk to enable Online payments. All your credit/debit card details are secure, and payments will be processed directly using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption.
** Credit/debit card numbers are protected with a high level of encryption when transmitted over the Internet.
** The site is secure using 128 bit encryption to offer secure communications by encrypting all data to and from the site of our Bank.
** In case of any problems or disputes related to online payments, we will settle the same only after 3 days of the transaction.
** To raise any such ticket, please send an email from the registered email address used at the time of making the online payment.
** A convenience charge, apart from the normal fees, will be levied for every online transaction.
** Take a Printout of the receipt generated on successful payment.
** Any payment once made is not refundable.
** In case of successful payment online, GESPL website will provide the candidate with a valid Transaction ID.
** In case of unsuccessful payment online, the candidate may try again, or, contact the debit card/credit card/bank account provider.
** ICP related Courses are not included for online payments.
** Upgrades are not possible online. Students will have to visit Gateforum center for the same.
** Installment payments are not possible online. Students will have to visit Gateforum center for the same.
** GESPL shall not be liable for any failure on the part of the Applicant or third party making payment of Fees, to properly protect data from being seen on their screen by other persons or otherwise obtained by such other persons, during the Online Payment process or in respect of any omission to provide accurate information in the course of the Online Payment process. © 2022

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