KVVS Bangalore Merit Scholarships : Karnataka Veerashaiva Vidyabhivrudhi Samste

Organisation : Karnataka Veerashaiva Vidyabhivrudhi Samste
Scholarship Name : Merit Scholarships
Website : kvvsbangalore [dot] org
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/17810-Form.pdf

Merit Scholarships :

True to its name “VIDYABHIVRUDHI” (in Kannada meaning Encouragement towards Education) KVVS has been distributing Scholarships to Meritorious Students who have scored more than 95% and more marks in 10th (SSLC) and 12th (PUC) (In case of ICSE / CBSE – 90% and more) .

Related / Similar Scholarship : Jalappa Education Foundation Scholarship 2017

Students are presented with a “Certificate” and Cheque of Rs.4,000=00 (In case of SSLC) and Rs.6,000=00 (In case of PUC Students). Applications for Merit Scholarships will be invited through notifications in leading Newspapers.

Eligible Candidates can apply to the Merit Scholarship by properly filling in Application forms and attach Certificates duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. Application forms which do not follow proper procedure are likely to be rejected

Application Format :
The Secretary
Karnataka Veerashaiva Vidyabhivrudhi Samsthe Student
No.18, “S.J.M. Towers” Photo
Seshadri Road, Gandhinagara
BANGALORE – 560 009

Phone No.: 080-22266416, 22267228
E-Mail ID: kvvsbangalore@gmail.com

I, the undersigned apply for S.S.L.C./P.U.C. Merit Scholarship for the year _________.

I have obtained 95% and more marks in State Level Examination (In case of C.B.S.E/I.C.S.E 90% above). Hence I request you to kindly consider my application for “Merit Scholarship”.

I furnish the details as under:
** Candidate Name (Capital Letters)
** Father’s Name, Address and
** Telephone/Mobile No.
** Date of Birth and Age
** Total Marks obtained in S.S.L.C / 2nd P.U.C.
** Attested Caste (Veerashaiva / Lingayath) Certificate
** Attested Copy of SSLC / PUC Marks Card
** Bank Name and A/c No.
** E-mail ID

Thanking you,
Yours Truly,


Student Name & Signature

Note :
Student should have Savings Bank Account in Nationalized Bank as Merit Scholarship amount will be given through Cheque. Please mention your E-mail ID compulsorily.

About Us:
Launched in 1905, under the initial name of “The Mysore Lingayat Education Fund Association”, was later changed to Karnataka Veerashaiva Vidyabhivrudhi Samsthe. The Association embodies the result of the first organized effort of the community at self-help and was the first movement of its kind in Mysore State.

With the continued support of generous and dedicated donors and supporters we have managed to widen the areas we work in, and are changing the lives of more people than we ever have.

The Association was Registered as No.11/1909-10 as per Societies Registration Act. It was in the year 1919 by the efforts of Sri M. Basavaiah that 1 Acre and 33 Guntas of Land was allotted to the Association at the present site No.18, Seshadri Road, Gandhinagara, Bangalore, where the present office of KVVS is established now.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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