: Merit Scholarship To College/Professional Institutions Students Belonging To SC/ST/OBC/Minorities

Organisation : Delhi Department of Welfare Of SC/ST
Scholarship Name : Merit Scholarship
Applicable For : Students Belonging To SC/ST/OBC/Minorities
Applicable States/UTs : Delhi
Website :

Merit Scholarship :

Merit Scholarship To College/Professional Institutions Students Belonging To SC/ST/OBC/Minorities

Update :
Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Minority 2017-18 Merit Scholarship For Colleges :

The objective of the scheme is to encourage SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students to continue their studies at college level by providing them scholarship so as to reduce financial burden on their parents, because spread of higher education alongwith development of merit amongst the SC/ST communities is one of the priority programmes of the Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi.

Rate of Scholarship:

S.No. Name of the Scheme Unit Existing rates of scholarship (in Rs.) Revised rates w.e.f. July, 2009
Group “Ä”
i. Degree    courses     in     Medical/ Engineering/B.Sc.(Agri.)/ B.Vsc/B.F.Sc./Higher technical and professional studies
ii. Degree level  courses in Indian   medicine B.A.M.S. & comparable courses
in Ayurvedic,Unani/Tibbia and Homeopathy system of medicine.
(a) Day Scholars P.M. 750 900
(b) Hostlers P.M. 1350 1620
Post graduate courses, other technical & professional courses
(a) Day Scholars P.M. 800 960
(b) Hostlers P.M. 1550 1860
Group “B”
Diploma level courses Diploma level courses in Indian medicine B.A.M.S. & comparable courses in Ayurvedic,Unani/Tibbia and Homeopathy system of medicine. Diploma level course in Engg.Technology, Architecture, Printing Technology,Over-sear,Drafstman,Surveyor,Hotel Management, Catering, Applied Nutrition, Commercial Pilot License/Wireless & T.V. Operator, Sound Recording & Engineering, Photography, Film Direction, Editing, Acting, Screen-play Writing Post graduate courses in science subjects.
(a) Day Scholars P.M. 600 720
(b) Hostlers P.M. 925 1110
Group “C”
Certificate courses in Engg. Technology,  Architecture & Medicine Diploma  & certificate course in  Agri./  Vet. Sc./Fisheries/Dairy Devpt. /Public  Health/Sanitary Inspector/Rural services /Library science/Sub-officers course  in  National fire service college,Nagpur Degree/Post  graduate  Diploma  &   Post Graduate  courses in teachers  training/ Library   Sc./Physical   Edn./Music/Fine   Arts/Law/Craft      Instructor/Passenger Transport Management/ Associate degree in  Pharmacy
(a) Day Scholars P.M. 525 630
(b) Hostlers P.M. 775 930
Group “D”
(i) General courses upto graduate level
(a) Day Scholars P.M. 350 420
(b) Hostlers P.M. 670 804
(ii) Post graduate studies in Arts & Commerce subject.
(a) Day Scholars P.M. 525 630
(b) Hostlers P.M. 925 1110

Eligibility criteria:
i) A student is allowed to avail the scholarship either under the State Plan Scheme or Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Scheme, whichever is beneficial to him/her and should inform the awarding authority through the Head of the Institution by mode of a declaration.

ii) The SC/ST/OBC/Minority students getting stipend from the institutions/ Government during the course of study are also eligible to get the merit scholarship.

iii) Only those SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students are eligible who will obtain 60% or more marks in previous examination and get admission in recognised college / professional / technical institutions.

iv) Scholarship will be granted to students of 3 year degree courses, post graduate studies at college level and professional courses of degree and post graduate level and diploma studies. The duration of the professional course may vary from course to course.

v) There shall be no limit for the income of the applicant/parents/guardians for grant of scholarship in respect of SC/ST students. However, family income limit of Rs. 1,00,000/- p.a. is applicable for the OBC/ Minorities community.

vi) Students should have SC/ST/OBC/Minorities certificate issued by the competent authority of Delhi i.e. Deputy Commissioner, Delhi.

vii) The rate of scholarship will be reduced to 50% if a student failed in the annual examination, but continues studies except in cases where the student failed to appear in the annual examination on medical grounds or due to natural calamities or any other reason beyond his/her control.

viii) Intentional non appearance in the annual examination will disqualify the student from the grant of scholarship during the next academic year. © 2022

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