wbsed.gov.in Incentive Scheme for Girls Students of Classes IX to XII : West Bengal School Education

Organisation : West Bengal School Education Department
Scholarship Name : Incentive Scheme for Girls Students of Classes IX to XII
Applicable For : Girls Students of Classes IX to XII
Applicable State : West Bengal
Website : http://www.wbsed.gov.in/welcome.html

Incentive Scheme :

Incentive Scheme for Girls Students of Classes IX to XII in the State of W.Bengal. The State Govt. has introduced a new scheme of Scholarship for Girls Students specially belonging to poor families

Related : WBSED Scholarship Scheme for Student West Bengal : https://www.scholarships.net.in/748.html

The girl students, who are domiciled in West Bengal and are studying in Govt., Govt. Sponsored, and Non-Govt. Aided Institutions under the West Bengal Board of secondary Education, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education may apply to enjoy the benefit of this scheme. The scheme may be extended, to begin with, to cover

1. all girls of BPL Ration Card holder families in the state and
2. all girls of the families covered under the Labour Department’s Provident Fund Scheme for un-organized workers and that for agriculture labourers.

The Rate of Scholarship is Rs. 100/- per Month per Student. Any girl student, who is the recipient of the benefit of any similar type of Central or State Government’s stipend or incentive, is not eligible to enjoy the benefit of the scheme.

The director of School Education will be the Nodal Officer for administration of such Incentive Scheme. The District Inspector of Schools (SE) will act as the District Nodal Officer. There shall be a State Level Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of the Hon’ble minister-in-Charge (School Education), Govt. of W.B to oversee and monitor the implementation of the Incentive Scheme.

The Girls students of Classes-IX to XII will apply and for proper verification the concerned Hd. of the Institutions will collect lists of eligible Girls students belonging to the above categories as mentioned in 1 & 2 above from the concerned BDO & Labour Deptt. as the case may be. Presently necessary proceedings has been taken for selection of eligible Girls Students under the scheme.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at Schools Scheme:
Computer education was introduced in 757 Schools and School Education Department has covered 543 schools under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Information and Communication Technology in schools benefiting 35,751 students with 286 full time teachers recruited through S.S.C in 2007-08.

In 2008-09, the State Government is implementing ICT @ School scheme for the secondary stage through West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and 1400 schools will be covered under ICT Scheme as approved by MHRD, GOI.

Computer Technology is applied as Learning Aid for the learners at Upper Primary School Level. Under Computer Aided Learning (CAL) Programme, 610 schools have been provided computers with educational CDs and 1512 teachers have been oriented.

Categories West Bengal

View Comments (5)

  • My application ID number is WB010210145299 & date of application is 30-7-2016 but I have not get my scholarship. Please help me.

    • The State Govt. has introduced a new scheme of Scholarship for Girls Students specially belonging to poor families with effect from the academic year 2008-09. The Rate of Scholarship is Rs. 100/- per Month per Student.

    • The children of 5+ to 13+ years age group not enrolled in any school or any alternative system will be enrolled. Number of out of school children comprising never enrolled and drop outs of the said age group as per district reports as on 1-10-2008 was 2,88,647. Necessary steps will be taken to reduce this figure. New primary schools will be set up in the mapped out unschooled areas.

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