Online Application Instructions : 2017 Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship

Organisation : Government of West Bengal Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology Department
Scholarship Name : Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship 2017
Service Name : Instructions For submission of Online Application of Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship
Applicable For : Class XI and XII, UG in Engineering, Medical & Technical / Professional Courses besides UG/PG Students Pursuing General Degree Courses
Applicable State : West Bengal
Application Last Date : 30.11.2017
Website :

SVMCM WBHED Online Scholarship Instructions

Instructions for submission of Online Application of Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship

Update : Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means/ Kanyashree K3 Scholarship Application West Bengal 2019 :

Application Procedure

1. Please download and go through the Guidelines of Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship carefully before you start filling the Online Application Form.

2. Schedule for Online Application :

Application Type Opening Date Closing Date
Fresh Application 2017 11.09.2017 30.11.2017
Renewal Application 2017 11.09.2017 30.11.2017
Kanyashree (K3) Application 2017 11.09.2017 30.11.2017

3. Application Procedure:
Steps to be followed to apply online

Online Registration

On successful submission of the Registration Form, an Applicant ID will be generated and it will be used to complete the remaining Steps of the Application Form and also required for all future correspondence. While selecting the Password please maintain the Password Policy as instructed in the form. Please note down the system generated Applicant ID.

Applicants, willing to apply for K3 are required to fill up the authentication form to verify their existence in Kanyashree(K2) with the input fields Kanyashee(K2) Year, Kanyashree ID, Applicant’s Name, Applicant’s Date of Birth, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name. On successful completion of K2 authentication applicants will be forwarded to registration form. The rest of the process is same as fresh application procedure.

For Renewal of existing beneficiaries, Bank A/C Number of previous year is required for authentication. Successful authentication process will lead to subsequent Registration form and after Successful submission Registration form candidates will have the system generated Applicant ID and chosen Password to fill up the detail application process.

Detail eligibility criteria for application in Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship 2017 are mentioned in detail advertisement, available under Downloads menu of this website.

Online Application

Login with the generated Applicant ID, Password (which was given during Registration Process) and Captcha (Security Code). After successful login, fill up rest of the application forms, i.e. Basic Details, Personal Details.

While uploading Scanned Copy of Image and Signature, please maintain File Format and File Size as mentioned. Image and Signature format should be JPG/JPEG and size should be in between 20KB-50KB and 10KB-20KB respectively.

Upload Documents

After successful submission of Basic Details and Personal Details form, Scanned Supporting Document Upload form will be appeared. Upload all necessary documents as mentioned in the form. While uploading, please maintain the File format and File size as mentioned in the form. Files should be in PDF format and size should not exceed 1MB.

Required Documents

Documents to be uploaded for Fresh and Kanyashree Application:
i. Admit Card of Madhyamik Examination or its equivalent
ii. Mark sheet of Madhyamik Examination or its equivalent (Both sides)
iii. Admit Card of last Board/Council/University/College examination
iv. Mark sheet of last Board/Council/University/College examination (Both sides)
v. Income certificate of family (Not Applicable for Kanyashree)
vi. Income Certificate Affidavit (Not Applicable for Kanyashree)
vii. Domicile certificate as Aadhaar ID/Voter ID/Ration card/Certificate Issued by concerned authority
viii. Scanned copy of Bank Passbook (1st Page, containing A/C No.)

Documents to be uploaded for Renewal Application:
i. Copy of the Marksheet of the last examination in the present course of study (Both sides and in case of semester examination system, year wise semester Mark sheets)
ii. Admission receipt for the promotion to the next higher class
iii. 1st page of the Bank Passbook and the leaf of the Passbook in which the credited Scholarship amount of last year has been shown

Formats for Income Certificate and Income Affidavit are available under Downloads option in the Top menu all pages. After successful upload, Finalize the application.

Please note that once an application is finalized, that application cannot be edited anymore.

Final Submission

After finalizing the application, download the Verification Certificate which contains two pages. First page is the Applicant Copy and second page is the HOI(Head of the Institution) Copy.

After verification and signed by HOI, applicant will scan his copy and upload this in the application portal to complete the application process. HOI will retain his copy.

Toll Free Help Line: 1800 102 8014 (11 AM to 4 PM) Except Sundays.
E-mail ID For Helpdesk:

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

1. I am reading in class 11 in science stream. I secured marks about 82% approx. Can I apply for the scholarship? I am a Kanyashree. What kind of documents I have to produce? Please mention the verification process specially about (HOI)Head of the institution. Should I have to produce any copy from him?
Documents to be uploaded for Fresh and Kanyashree Application :
i. Admit Card of Madhyamik Examination or its equivalent
ii. Mark sheet of Madhyamik Examination or its equivalent (Both sides)
iii. Admit Card of last Board/Council/University/College examination
iv. Mark sheet of last Board/Council/University/College examination (Both sides)
v. Income certificate of family (Not Applicable for Kanyashree)
vi. Income Certificate Affidavit (Not Applicable for Kanyashree)
vii. Domicile certificate as Aadhaar ID/Voter ID/Ration card/Certificate Issued by concerned authority
viii. Scanned copy of Bank Passbook (1st Page, containing A/C No.)

2. I forgot my password. How can I login?
Please Contact : 1800 102 8014
helpdesk.svmcm-wb [AT]

3. Please tell me about the scholarship for a girl studying in post graduate course?
Applicable For : School/College Students

View Comments (28)

  • Ami Amit pal,Registration no-WB5171507786852,2017 year a application dia6ilam but akhon taka pai ni.amar kub takar dorkar daya kore jodi taka ta patia Dan kub upokrito AT

  • I passed the Madhyamik examination in 2017. Now I am reading in class XII. Can I apply for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship? And if yes then how?

  • আমি স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ স্কোলারশিপ 2017-এ আবেদন করেছিলাম । আমার অ‍্যাপলিকেশন আই.ডি.হল WB5171507180234 এবং আবেদন সফল হয়েছে এরকম বার্তাও আসে । কিন্তু এখনও পর্যন্ত ঐ স্কোলারশিপের টাকা আমার ব‍্যাঙ্ক অ‍্যাকাউন্টে ক্রেডিট হয়নি । যদি কোন সমস্যা থাকে কিংবা এখনও পাওয়া যেতে পারে, তাহলে দয়াকরে জানান । এই আর্থিক সহায়তা আমার খুবই প্রয়োজন ।

  • I have completed the application process for Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship on 10.11.2017. My application ID is WB3171508787608. I want to know the application status.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Please note that once an application is finalized, that application cannot be edited anymore.

  • I had submitted the form for SVMCM this year but now can't access the profile now. It says invalid username or password but, I entered it right. Please help.

  • I am unable to upload the verification certificate with the signature of HOI. Can I still upload it now?

  • I have completed the application process for Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship on 10.11.2017. My application ID is WB11715083955209. I want to know the application status.

  • I have filled the renewal application form but I have forgotten to upload the leaf of the bank pass book where the last credit amount has shown. Please help me what can I do?


  • I have submitted all my documents and application is finalized. I have done some mistakes in my application so I can't get the institution verification mail. What do I do now?

    • Information available from the Official Website :
      For HS level :
      The minimum qualifying marks for being considered for award of scholarships will be 75% in aggregate, in Madhyamik Pariksha, and the total marks obtained in the Madhyamik Parkisha excluding pass marks in the additional subject, if any, will be the sole criterion for consideration. Candidates from outside the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education will not be eligible to apply for this scholarship.

  • I have registered for SVMCM scholarship 2017-18 & applied for Diploma scheme in Directorate of Technical Education.

  • I have uploaded my income certificate for fresh registration of SNMCM scholarship in court paper along with other necessary documents but in the court paper my mother's signature is not there. Please tell what shall I do?

  • I forgot to upload the leaf of pass book in which credited amount of last year has been shown. What should I have to do now?

  • I have got 75% marks in HS exam.I want to apply for SVMCM scholarship but registration is being not done. So please tell the reason.

  • I think there is some problem in the system for submission of svmcm. I can't get my school name in the online form but I gave right details.

  • I'm in B.Sc 2nd year. I've gained the MCM scholarship previous year. But I've forgotten my password. How can I apply for renewal this year?

  • I register for SVMCM scholarship 2017-18, applied for Diploma scheme in Directorate of Technical Education. But my registration is wrong and I can't fill-up it. So I want to cancel my existing registration. Is it possible?

  • I can't renew my k3 form. Because my k2 id year is 2015-2016, but in renew form there is no option to choose 2015-2016. So please help to renew my form.


    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Kanyashree recipients (K-2) pursuing Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State after obtaining Under Graduate Degree with 45% marks in aggregate from Institutions of this State will come under the aegis of this Scholarship Scheme. © 2022

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