Indiabulls Foundation 2017-18 IBF Renewal Scholarship :

Organisation : Indiabulls Foundation
Scholarship Name : Indiabulls Foundation Scholarship 2017-18 Renewal Students
Website :
Application Form :

Scholarship Renewal :

Indiabulls Foundation is inviting Scholarship Renewal applications for year 2017-18

Update : IBF Indiabulls Foundation 2018-19 New & Renewal Scholarship :

Note & attach the following documents along:
1. Mark sheet of last appeared exam.
2. College Fee Structure of current year/ semester.
3. All the documents should be self-attested by the candidate and Originals should be brought for verification.
4. Only complete forms would be accepted

Renewal/ Continuation of Scholarship :
** From second year onwards the scholarship will continue only on merit basis (minimum 50% aggregate).
** Students who do not fulfill the merit criterion at the end of the first year or semester will not be eligible to receive the scholarship in the subsequent year or semester.
** A student is eligible to apply for Renewal of Indiabulls Foundation Scholarship if he/she has ATKT or any backlog provided he/she should have achieved a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in the last appeared results.
** It is the student’s responsibility to get the scholarship renewed every semester or year till the completion of their course.
** They can do so upon submitting their mark sheet of the previous semester or year along with their current fee structure.

Cancellation of The Awarded Scholarship :
** If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statements, documents, references etc. his/ her scholarship will be revoked and cancelled immediately and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered from the student, at the discretion of Indiabulls Foundation.
** The student concerned will be blacklisted and debarred for any scholarship.
** A scholarship awarded will be cancelled if the student changes the institute of study for which the scholarship was originally awarded.
** If the DD issued to the student (in the name of the college) has been misplaced/ robbed/ lost/ tampered by the student, Indiabulls Foundation will immediately cancel the scholarship.
** Student should not be in receipt of any other scholarship from any other source for the said course.
** If known, the scholarship will be immediately revoked and cancelled for the said student.
** The scholarship is dependent on the satisfactory progress and conduct of the student. If the student is found guilty of any misconduct, Indiabulls Foundation at its discretion may either cancel the scholarship or stop or withhold further payment for such student as it may deem fit.

** IBF reserves the right to award or reject any scholarship application it deems fit.
** If candidate does not receive any information from IBF within 15 days of Scholarship form submission, it means that the application has not been taken forward.
** Incomplete applications will not be entertained and incomplete forms will be rejected.
** The scholarship criterion is subject to change, without prior information as per Management decisions

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