Indiabulls Foundation IBF 2017-18 New Students Scholarship :

Organisation : Indiabulls Foundation
Scholarship Name : Indiabulls Foundation Scholarship 2017-18
Applicable For : New Students
Website :
Application Form

Indiabulls Foundation Scholarship :

Indiabulls Foundation Scholarship Program aims to encourage and promote quality higher education among meritorious students from economically challenged families to nurture their careers.

Update : IBF Indiabulls Foundation 2018-19 New & Renewal Scholarship :

Indiabulls Foundation understands that a large number of deserving students who have an urge to pursue their higher education are unable to do so owing to mainly financial constraints.

In view of this, Indiabulls Foundation offers scholarships to deserving students to pursue their education after 12th standard and launch a sustainable career in the field of Engineering, Medicine, Law, IT, IIT, ITI, Management courses or any other stream of the students choice.

Indiabulls Foundation has awarded more than 600 scholarships to deserving students Pan India.

Eligibility Criteria :
The criteria for selecting the student in the first year would be merit. The student is required to achieve at least a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in their last appeared result. To avail the scholarship students should not have ATKT’s or backlogs in their previous examination.

The gross family income of the student from all sources during the said financial year should not exceed Rs. 2, 00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh only) per annum. However, in case of a tie the selection will be done on merit basis.

Income certificate should be issued only by appropriate civil authorities of the State/ UTs/ Central Government, details of which have been specified in general instructions. Any other affidavit submitted in support of income proof shall not be accepted.

** A duly filled application form has to be submitted to the concerned department of the Institute/ Indiabulls Foundation.
** Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
** All the documents should be self attested by the candidate

The following supporting documents must be submitted along with the application form:
I. Photo identity proof of applicant (Aadhar card/ Voter I – card/PAN card/Driving license etc.) and College Identity Card.
II. Photo identity proof of applicant Parent’s/legal guardian (Aadhar card/ Voter I – card/ PAN card/ Driving license etc.).
III. Residential proof of applicant’s Parent’s/legal guardian (Ration card {MANDATORY}, Telephone bill, Electricity bill {MANDATORY} etc.).
IV. Proof of gross family income per month (Income certificate/ latest IT returns/ Form 16/ latest Salary Slip/ Letter from employer).
V. Attested copies of all mark sheets and certificates in support of your educational qualifications.
VI. Attested copies of MT-CET/AIEEE/IIT-JEE or other score cards as per the students course preference
VII. College prospectus as a proof of course fees/college fees structure for current academic year.
VIII. Post Admission Process: Proof/ Receipt of admission (MANDATORY)
IX. Post admission process: Duly sealed & signed Declaration by the Head of Institute/University

**  IBF reserves the right to award or reject any scholarship application it deems fit.
**  If candidate does not receive any information from IBF within 15 days of Scholarship form submission, it means that the application has not been taken forward.
**  Incomplete applications will not be entertained and incomplete forms will be rejected.
**  The scholarship criterion is subject to change, without prior information as per Management decisions.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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