SAMIL Education Scholarship Programme : Shriram Automall India

Organisation : Shriram Automall India Limited
Scholarship Name : SAMIL Education Scholarship Programme
Website :
Application Form :

Shriram Education Scholarship Programme

Education Scholarship Programme by Shriram Automall

Related / Similar Scholarship :
Shriram Foundation Educational Scholarship

Concept Of The Scheme

** The support will be towards expenses of the child for pursuing school education without any disruption from 8th standard to 12th standard.
** This support is for children of any School (including Govt. and private) that does not charge exorbitant fees.

** Scholarship amount per child: Rs. 3000/- per year till class 10 and an increase to 3500/- there on till class 12.
** The Scholarship amount will be paid by the way of a crossed account payee cheque in favor of the child.

Norms Of Selection

** The parent of the child should be either a driver of a commercial vehicle or a small transporter, owning a commercial vehicle for at least 1 year.
** The child must have scored more than 60% marks.
** The monthly income of the parent should not be more than 25000/- per month.
** The child should not be a beneficiary of any other grant or donation.
** Detailed terms & conditions are given on the application form.

Application Format

1. Name of the student
2. Date of Birth
4. Class+School
5. Address+ Ph. No.
6.Parent’s Details
7. Name of the Transport Company, if parent is in service (Driver):
8. Vehicle details, if parent is the owner Vehicle Reg Number : Make : Model :
9 . Has the child discontinued studies at any time : If yes, reason:
10. Parent’s consent for accepting support : YES / NO

11.Certificates Enclosed :
a) Bonafide Certificate
b) Recent Progress Card
c) Copy of Driving Licence
d) Copy of R C Book
e) Ration Card/ Aadhar card of Parent

I Hereby Declare That All The Information Stated Above Is True & Correct In All Respects.

Signature of the parent
Signature of the Automall Manager

About SAMIL:
Shriram Automall India Limited (SAMIL), an ISO 9001:2008 certified company with AA+ rating from CRISIL, pioneers in serving the most organized bidding platforms to facilitate the trade of used vehicles and equipment.

It serves an exhaustive range of pre-owned commercial vehicles, construction equipment, tractors, buses, cars & SUVs, 3 wheelers and 2 wheelers to create a unique experience for its customers, across India. Every deal at SAMIL is structured on the ground of transparency where several Indian dreams ride with utmost dignity.

The inception of Shriram Automall India Limited (SAMIL) dates back to February, 2011 in the quest of providing well-structured bidding platforms for the acquisition or disposal of pre-owned vehicles and equipment.

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