Capital First CFL Scholarship 2017-18 :

Organisation : Capital First Limited
Scholarship Name : CFL Capital First Scholarship 2017-18
Applicable For : Studies in India & Indian Nationals only
Website :

Capital First Scholarship:

Scholarship of INR 1 lakh p.a to meritorious students. The candidate’s family income should be less than INR 6 lakhs p.a*. Candidate should have already secured admission.

Related / Similar Scholarship :
Capital First MBA Scholarship 2018-20

Why CFL Scholars Program?:
In line with our company logo (tagline) “Keep Aspiring”, Capital First Limited, through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is providing financial assistance to meritorious students from the economically weaker sections of the society so that they can afford admissions into reputed institutions who offer an MBA degree or its equivalent.

In this regard, we will be giving away scholarships to deserving students under the Capital First Scholarship Program. We have a vision of empowering individuals to fulfil their dream of education by enabling academic institutions to create a financially inclusive ecosystem.

We believe that individuals will benefit even beyond completion of their education, they will have options of greatly enhancing the economic and social status of themselves, their families and be an inspiration to others in their position.

What is the ‘CFL Scholars’ program and who can apply?:
CFL scholars program is the CSR initiative by Capital First Limited- which provides scholarship of INR 1 lakh p.a to meritorious students who belong to financially challenged backgrounds and want to pursue an MBA program or its equivalent.

For the current year, CFL will be supporting 100 meritorious students who will begin their MBA program in the academic year 2017-18.

The financial eligibility criterion for the CFL Scholars program is:
The candidate’s family income should be less than INR 6 lakhs p.a*.

How do I apply?:
If a candidate meets the eligibility criteria, then she/he can create an account on our portal and complete the formalities required for the application online. Candidates need to create an account by providing their username and registered email address.

Post the registration process, candidates are required to provide their personal details, academic records and upload necessary documents. We would advise the candidates to save the changes during the application process to avoid any loss of data.

Applications will be reviewed by Capital First Limited and the final intimation will be sent through mail on the candidate’s registered email address or can be viewed on the portal as well.

Terms and Conditions::
** The Scholarships are open for studies in India and for Indian Nationals only.
** The Candidates applying for the scholarship under this program should be pursuing MBA and/ or would be applying for MBA during the academic year 2017-18.
** The amount of Scholarship that will be provided under this program will be a maximum of Rs.1 Lakh per student, per academic year and the scholarship amount will be only towards tuition fees and books.
** The Gross annual family income, i.e. income of the parents/guardians from all sources should not be more than Rs.6 Lacs per annum. Students having the lowest family income shall be given preference in the ascending order.
** Candidates will be required to upload documents, e.g. Income Tax Returns of their parents/guardian(s) or in the alternative, Bank Statements of parents/guardian(s).
** The final acceptance of the proposed candidates shall be on the basis of internal due diligence and checks done by the CFLSelection Panel and will be at all times subject to its management decision.
** The final disbursement of Scholarship amount to the applicant’s college/university shall be on the basis of the fee receipt evidencing part payment, submitted by the applicant.
** Receipt of the balance amount paid towards fees out of the Scholarship disbursed, shall be produced to CFL immediately on payment thus being made.
** Further, these fee receipts shall be retained with the beneficiaries and submitted alongwith other documents for availing the Scholarship for the consecutive academic year, as the case may be.
** The candidates who are selected for the Scholarship will be intimated by CFL via email.
** CFL reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law: (a) to reject or disqualify any application; or (b) subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority, to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the scholarship, as appropriate.
** The Scholarship Application is open to only those desirous candidates who have all the requisite certificates and marksheets at the time of making the Application.
** No provisional Application will be entertained on any undertaking to the effect or otherwise that certificates and/or required documents will be furnished at a later stage.
** The Scholarship shall be credited to the bank account held by the Universitymaintained at the place of study in favour of whoever is named for the purposeby such University.
** The Scholarship shall only be transferred electronically through the banks.
** As there shall be only 100 beneficiaries granted the Scholarshipunder this program, CFLreserves the right to stop the application process post achieving the final number of scholarships to be granted in a particular year, hence there will be no due date for closing applications.
** The students who receive the Scholarship should be regular in attendance and excel in performance for which the yardstick shall be decided by the competent authority of the school/college/University as also abide by the rules and regulations of such Institute.
** Intimation to the University of the availed Scholarship is mandatory and shall be accompanied by a request made by the Beneficiary to the University for reporting the progress of the beneficiary/student to CFL.
** The Beneficiary shall complete this documentation and furnish a copy to CFL before disbursement of the Scholarship.
** In case of selection for the award of scholarship under this program, the awardees should not be the recipients of any other scholarships, from any other sources/Government, Corporate Private Bodies, Trusts, etc.

For any difficulty in the application process, candidates can write to

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