: NMMS 2018 National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Exam Delhi

Organisation : Delhi Directorate of Education
Scholarship Name : NMMS 2018 National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Examination
Applicable For : Students Studying Class VIII
Applicable State : Delhi
Application Last Date : Sep-08-2017
Exam Date : Dec-17-2017
Website :
Application Form :

NMMS Exam :

Applications are invited for NMMS 2017 National Means cum Merit Scholarship Examination.

Update : Delhi Directorate of Education NMMS National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Examination 2018-19 :

Read the instructions carefully given on the back side before filling the application form. Please take help trom your teacher/ parent for filling up the application form.

Coding Plan:
Read instruction carefully before filling up the Application Form.
1. Use only Blue or Black Ball Point pen. WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Do not mark or write outside the boxes.
2. Leave one box blank between two words. Limit your name and/or address within the space provided for it. Please see example as given below.
3. Cross(x) only one of the appropriate boxes in items nos. 4,5,6,7,10,11 and 21.
4. Please write code number in items nos 12, 13,14, 15 and 16 as given overleaf.
5. It is the responsibility of the candidate and the principal of the school to deposit the filled in form with the state concerned Officer before the last date. No request for condoning delay in submission will be entertained whether it is due to the fault of the Candidate or the Headmaster/Principal of his/her institution.
6. Incomplete or defensive applications are liable to be rejected.

Type of School/Institutions :
Government :
A Government school is that which is run by the State Government or Public Sector undertaking or an Autonomous Organization completely financed by the Government

Local Body :
A Local Body School is that which is run by Panchayati Raj and local body institutions such as Zila Parichad, municipal Corporation, Municipal Committee, Notified Area Committee and Cantonment Board

Private Aided:
A private aided school is that which is run by an individual or a private organization and receives grant from government or local body.

Instructions To The Candidate: (For The Students Studying In Class VIII)
1. Make Sure that the Admit card is not detached from the Application Form. Admit Card will be sent to the Chief Superintendent of the Examination Centre after allotting the Roll Numbers. Candidate can collect the Admit card from the Centre Superintendent of the Examination Centre at least one week before the examination.
2. Reach the Examination Centre at least half an hour before the commencement of the Examination; and occupy the seat that bears your Roll Number.
3. DO NOT take Mobile Phones, Calculator, Mathematical or Physical table or any other kind of ready reckoned to the Examination Hall.
4. The examination will be conducted in two sessions on the same day.

5. You have to take the examination as per details given below:
** Mental Ability Test (MAT)
** Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT),

6. Each question carries 1(one) mark.
7. Write your Roll Number, as given in the Admit Card, on the Answer Sheet and on the Cover Page of the Question Booklet in the space provided.
8. All questions in the booklets are objective type. For each question, Four possible answers are given, but only one is correct. Your task is to find out the correct answer and mark your choice in the Answer Sheet.
9. Record your answer-using Ball Point Pen only. You have to indicate your answer on the Answer Sheet as advised by the Stat/UT.
10. During the State Examination follow the Instructions of the Invigilator strictly.
11. Hand over your Question Booklet and Answer Sheets to the Invigilator before you leave the Examination hall.

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