Dr. Ambedkar Post-Matric Scholarship For Economically Backward Class Students : socialjustice.nic.in

Organization : Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Scholarship Name : Dr. Ambedkar Post-Matric Scholarship For Economically Backward Class Students
Applicable For : Economically Backward Class Students
Applicable States : All India
Website : https://socialjustice.gov.in/

Social Justice Dr. Ambedkar Post-Matric Scholarship

The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the Economically Backward Class (EBC) students studying at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education.

Related : Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Pre Matric Scholarship for OBC Student : www.scholarships.net.in/68.html

These scholarships shall be available for studies in India only and will be awarded by the Government of State/Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs, i.e. permanently settled.

Conditions Of Eligibility

i. The scholarships will be open to Indian nationals belonging to General Category (Other than Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe and Other Backward Classes) and the total income of his/her parents/guardians shall not exceed Rs.1.00 lakh per annum.

iii These scholarships will be given for the study of all recognized post-matriculation or post secondary courses pursued in recognized institutions.

“Scholarships shall not be awarded for training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Course and Private Pilot License Courses.

iv Candidates who, after passing one stage of education, are studying in the same stage of education in different subject e.g. I. Sc. after I.A or B.Com. after B.A. or M.A. in a subject after M.A in another subject will not be eligible.

i. Students studying in XI Class of the Higher Secondary School courses or the XII class of the Multipurpose High School will not be eligible for it being a continuous school course.

However, in cases, where tenth class examination of such courses is treated as equivalent to Matriculation and students who after passing tenth class join other courses, such students will be treated as post-matric students and will be eligible for the award of scholarships.

ii. Students pursuing Post-graduate courses in medicine will be eligible if they are not allowed to practice during the period of their course.

iii. Students who after failing or passing the Under Graduate/Post-Graduate examinations in Arts/science/Commerce join any recognized professional or Technical certificate/diploma/degree courses will be awarded scholarships if otherwise eligible. No subsequent failure will be condoned except courses in Group ‘A’ and no further change in the course will be allowed.

ix. Students who pursue their studies through correspondence courses will be eligible towards reimbursement of non-refundable fee. The term correspondence includes distant and continuing education. Besides reimbursement of non-refundable fee, such students will also be eligible for an annual allowance of Rs. 900/- for essential/prescribed books, as applicable.

x. Only two boys of the same parents/guardian will be entitled to receive scholarships. This restriction will, however, not apply to girls. Accordingly, scholarship availed by girls of same parents/guardian will not adversely affect admissibility of availing scholarship upto two boys of same parents/guardian.

xi. A scholarship holder under this Scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend. If awarded any other scholarship/stipend, the students can exercise his/her option for either of the two scholarships/stipends, whichever is more beneficial to him/her and should inform the awarding authority through the Head of the Institution about the option made. No scholarship will be paid to the students under this Scheme from the date he/she accepts any other scholarships/stipend. The student can however, accept free lodging or a grant or adhoc monetary help from the State Government or any other source for the purchase of books, equipment or for meeting the expenses on board and lodging, in addition to the scholarship amount paid under this Scheme.

xii. Scholarship holders who are receiving coaching in any of the pre-examination training centers with financial assistance from the Central Government/State Government will not be eligible for stipend under the coaching schemes for the duration of the coaching programme.

xiii. Employed students whose income combined with the income of their parents/guardians does not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakh per annum shall be eligible for post-matric scholarships to the extent of reimbursement of all compulsorily payable non-refundable fees.

xiv. In case of unemployed students whose parents/guardians income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakh per annum will be entitled for the scholarship under the Scheme.

Value Of Scholarship

The value of scholarship will include Maintenance Allowance, Reader Charges for blind students, reimbursement of compulsory non-refundable fees, Study Tour Charges/thesis typing/printing charges and book allowance for students pursuing correspondence course, for complete duration of the course

Selection Of Candidates

All the eligible Economically Backward Classes candidates will be given scholarships subject to the condition of eligibility prescribed in para III of this Scheme. Candidates belonging to one State, but studying in another State, will be awarded scholarship by the State to which they belong and will submit their applications to the competent authorities in that State. In the matter of exemption from fees or other concessions also, they will be treated as if they were studying in their own State.

Duration And Renewal Of Awards

i. The award once made will be tenable from the stage at which it is given to the completion of course subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance. It will be renewed from year to year provided that within a course, which is continuous for a number of years, the scholar secures promotion to the next higher class irrespective of the fact whether such examinations are conducted by a University or the Institution.

ii. If an EBC scholar pursuing Group A course fails in the examination for the first time, the award may be renewed. For second and subsequent failures in any class the student shallbear his/her own expenses until he/she secures promotion to the next higher class.

iii. If a scholar is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness and or on account of any other unforeseeable event, the award may be renewed for the next academic year on submission of medical certificate and/or other required sufficient proof to the satisfaction of the Head of the Institution and his/her certifying that the scholar would have passed had heappeared in the examination.

iv. If according to the Regulations of a University/Institution, a student is promoted to the nexthigher class even though he/she may not have actually passed in lower class and is required to take examination of the junior class again after sometime, he/she will be entitled to scholarship for the class to which he/she is promoted if the student is otherwise eligible for scholarship.


i. Maintenance charges shall be payable from 1st April or from the month of admission, whichever is later, to the month in which the examination are completed at the end of the academic year, (including maintenance during holidays) provided that if the scholar secures admission after the 20th day of a month, the amount will be made from the month following the month of admission.

ii. In case of renewal of scholarships awarded in the previous years, maintenance charges will be paid from the month following the month up to which scholarship was paid in the previous year, if the course of study is continuous.

iii. All scholars are expected to purchase the necessary text books, stationary etc., out of the maintenance allowance sanctioned. If it is reported by the Head of the concerned Institution that a scholar is without text-books stationary etc., the value of the scholarship may be reduced at the discretion of the authority sanctioning the scholarship.

iv. The scholarship money will be paid to the selected students by the government of the State/Union Territory’s Administration to which they belong in accordance with the procedure laid down by them in this regard.

v. Scholarship will not be paid for the period of internship/ housemanship in the M.B.B.S. course or for a practical training in other course if the student is in receipt of some remuneration during the internship period or some allowance/stipend during the practical training in other course.

Mode of Disbursal of Scholarship

In order to ensure timely payment of scholarship amount to the beneficiaries, the State Government/UT administrations are requested to avoid cash payment of scholarship amount and are required to issue instructions to all concerned that payment of scholarship should be madedirectly to beneficiaries through their accounts in post offices/banks with phased transition to Smart Cards.

Scholarship Details :

Announcement Of The Scheme:
All the State Governments/UT Admns. will announce in May-June, the details of the Scheme and invite applications by issuing an advertisement in the leading newspapers of the State and through other media outfits. All requests for application forms and other particulars should be addressed to the concerned State/UT to which students actually belong. The applicant should submit the completed application to the prescribed authority before the last dare prescribed for receipt of applications.

Procedure For Applying

i) An application for scholarship to the prescribed authority should comprise:
a. One copy of the application for scholarship in the prescribed form (separate application form may be prescribed by concerned State Government/UT for ‘fresh’ and ‘renewal’ scholarship).
b. One copy of the passport size photograph with signatures of the student thereon (for fresh scholarship)

c. One attested copy each of certificates/diploma/degree etc., in respect of all examination passed
d. A certificate (in original) of income issued by an authorized Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.

e. A receipt in acknowledgement of the scholarship in the previous year on the form attached to the application only duly countersigned by the Head of the Institution concerned, if the applicant was in receipt of a scholarship under this Scheme in the preceding year.

ii) Application complete in all respect shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution being attended or last attended by the candidates and shall be addressed to an officer specified for this purpose by the Government of State/Union Territory to which the student belongs in accordance with the instructions issued by them from time to time.

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