RVGEF RVG Financial Assistance Scholarship : RVG Educational Foundation

Organisation : RVG Educational Foundation
Scholarship Name : RVG Financial Assistance Scholarship
Applicable For : RVGians
Application Last Date :15th of April & October
Website : http://www.rvgef.org/scholarship.asp
Procedure : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/17285-Process.pdf
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/17285-FormatB.pdf

RVG Scholarship Scheme :

RVG Educational Foundation (Formerly, Rajasthan Vidyarthi Griha) (RVG) has formed a Scholarship Corpus Fund to provide Scholarships to the RVGians as per the following

Update : RVG Education Foundation Financial Assistance Scholarship 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/30224.html

RVG Financial Assistance Scholarship:
Through this scheme, RVG provides Financial Assistance Scholarship to the deserving students (RVGian) who are from economically weaker section/ humble background.

Terms of Eligibility:
a) Deserving RVGians who are from economically weaker section/humble background for Scholarship only.
b) RVGians applying under Scholarship will appear for an interview before the panel.
c) Scholarship shall continue till completion of the Articleship as per ICAI’s Registration Letter or stay in RVG Hostel, whichever is earlier.
d) If the Articleship period is extended for any reason, eligibility of scholarship will cease on the original expiry of the Articleship as mentioned in the Registration Letter.
e) If RVGian is found to be involved in any major or minor disciplinary violation, he/she will not be eligible for Scholarship for the remaining stay at RVG and also liable for penalty.

a) RVG Financial Assistance Scholarship of Rs.2500/- per month to RVGian (Boys)
b) RVG Financial Assistance Scholarship of Rs.4000/- per month to RVGian (Girls)
c) Aforesaid Scholarships are payable quarterly in advance

Documents to be submitted:
a) Application form duly filled and signed
b) One passport size photograph with signature
c) The copy of receipt of tuition fee, if any paid for the current term
d) Latest Salary (Stipend) slip from the employer (CA Firm)
e) Copies of Salary Certificate / Form 16 in support of family income
f) Documents related to other scholarship / sponsorship receipt (If any)

** Eligible students are required to download and apply in the prescribed Format B on or before 15th April / 15th October i.e. immediately after commencement of relevant term. The forms are available on our website www.rvghostels.com
** The forms complete in all respect with supporting documents should be submitted by the student to the Head Office during the office hours and on or before the stipulated date.
** A Panel formed by RVG Scholarship Corpus Fund will interview individual student who has applied for Scholarship and recommend whether the applicant is eligible for Scholarship, if so, till when.

Other Terms:
** The next round under this policy shall come into force come into force with effect from commencement of each term.
** The students are required to apply under the scheme in a prescribed form given at Format B.
** Only those applications will be considered which are complete and supported by the prescribed mandatory as well as required documents.
** Any column left blank in the application form will be construed as non disclosure of information.
** The incomplete application form and/or non disclosure of relevant facts will lead to rejection of form.
** RVGians will have to submit an undertaking with the application form to the effect that Scholarship may be withdrawn and penalty imposed if the documents submitted as income proof/tuition fee/ stipend etc. are found to be false after verification OR involved in any major or minor disciplinary violation of the Rules & Regulation.
** RVG reserves the right to impose penalty alongwith taking back of the amount credited earlier and discontinue the further financial assistance, if at any point of time it is found that a student has given incorrect information or hidden relevant facts.
** RVGians getting any other financial assistance/reimbursement towards expenditure on education from any other source viz Central/State Government/PSU/Trusts/ Private persons etc shall not be eligible to apply under this scheme.
** RVGian who is already granted the Scholarship has to submit documents related to income, tuition fee, latest salary (stipend) slip and term fee paid receipt etc.
** if there is any change from the previously submitted documents well before expiry of the term for verification whether the income & expense levels are within the prescribed slabs or they have increased/decreased & records.
** In case of certain emergencies such as sudden loss/complete disability of the earning member, RVGian may need financial assistance.
** In such case, there should not be any need for adhering to the schedule of disbursal as mentioned under the head of “Schedule”.
** Such cases can be considered as an exception even in mid-term by the Panel, with the approval of the President.

1. Notice for next round & download of application form 1st Week of April & October
2. Submission of complete documents 15th of April & 15th of October
3. Scrutiny of forms 21st of April & 21th of October
4. Interview (Tentatively) Last Sunday of April & October
5. Disbursement April, July, October & January

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