SOFURA Talent Discovery & Scholarship Examination 2017 Assam

Organisation : SOFURA Educational Trust
Scholarship Name : SOFURA Talent Discovery & Scholarship Examination 2017
Applicable For : School Students of Assam
Applicable State : Assam
Application Last Date : 30-09-2017
Exam Date : 29-10-2017
Website :
Application Form :

Sofura Talent Search Examination

Talent, if not recognized or nurtured, tends to diminish and fade away. The loss of such talent for the want of opportunity to bloom has been the sad tale of many a promising student of the region over the years.

Update : Sofura Talent Discovery & Scholarship Exam Result 2019 :

While understanding the tremendous talent innate among the school students of Assam, SOFURA will conduct a State level Talent Discovery and Scholarship Examination for the students of Class III to Class VIII in various centres all over the state.

The SOFURA Talent Discovery & Scholarship Examination is a flagship activity of SOFURA Educational Trust which has been, over the years, conducting such examinations for students of the vernacular medium schools. This year, it proposes to organise a similar test for students of the English medium schools of the state.

The purpose of the scheme is to identify talented students and nurture their talent. It proposes to honour and help talented students by providing a one time scholarship ranging from Rs.20,000/- to Rs.500/-.

Talent refers to the potentiality that manifests itself in a high level of overall performance in the Talent Discovery examination. The examination, therefore, covers areas like Language, Mathematics, Mental Ability, General Knowledge and Social Sciences (SEBA & CBSE syllabi)

Main Objectives

1. To identify and reward the talent in students studying in class III to classVIII in English medium schools.
2. To promote among the students, a healthy competition for earningrecognition through studies.
3. To provide an opportunity for talented students to earn substantial financialassistance for pursuing higher studies.
4. To make students familiar with the patterns and procedures of competitiveexaminations.
5. To provide a launching pad for success in examinations like the NationalTalent Search Exam.

Why take the Examination?

This examination is intended to familiarize the students with the Objective Type- Multiple Choice type of tests that they will have to sit for later on in their lives for entry into coveted jobs and careers.

Further, the best of the performers in the examination will be benefited by the Sofura Scholarships. These scholarships are meant to act as an encouragement to the students for performing better in their future academic endeavours. Even students who do not succeed in winning the scholarships will be awarded certificates that will boost their morals for trying harder in the future.

The SOFURA Talent Discovery & Scholarship Test will be an annual affair and there will be no restrictions on the number of attempts by students to appear in it.


The most popular Assamese Children Magazine, at present, is the one and only ‘SOFURA’. The magazine was launched from Bani Prakash, Guwahati in 1982, the Chief-pioneer in introducting this magazine was Mr. Ambika Pada Choudhury, a noted Assamese writer. Dr. Bhabendranath Saikia, the famous literateur, playwright and film producer was the founder editor of this magazine.

It is said that the publication of ‘SOFURA’ was a milestone in the history of Assamese Children Magazine. Previously, it was published as a ‘monthly magazine’, but later on, due to various reasons it was published as a bi-monthly. About ninety issues were published till its last issue in 1996. Sofura stopped its publication in 1996.


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