SD-SEED Renewal 2017-18 Matoshri Premabai Jain Higher Education Scholarship

Organization : SD-SEED Suresh Dada Scheme for Educational and Entrepreneurial Development
Scholarship Name : Matoshri Premabai Jain Higher Education Scholarship 2017-18 Renewal
Application Last Date : 30/09/2017
Website :
Apply Online :

Scholarship Renewal:

This form is for Beneficiary Students who have benefited from the scholarship in the last year (2016-17) and wish to renew the same for the year 2017-18

Update : SD-SEED Matoshri Premabai Jain Higher Education Scholarship Renewal 2018-19 :

Eligibility Criteria for Scholarship:
** The students who failed in two or more subjects (ATKT) are not eligible for renewal.
** The students who are studied in the 2nd year of D.T. Ed. are not eligible for renewal.
** Total family annual Income should be less than Rs. 1.5 lacs.

Note: Physically challenged students will get special preference.

For your Information and Guidance:
Online Application Process:

1. This form has 4 steps:
Step 1: Personal Details. On completion of this step, you will receive your “User Name” and “Password”, which you may use for completion of form. In case, due to connectivity or any other problems, you are not able to complete the form, you may login again using this User Name & Password and continue filling up the form from the step where you stopped.

As you are existing beneficiary, your primary profile and family related details are already recorded with us. Hence you would not be able to update the same in this step. In case, if you feel any changes in this information, please contact our Office.

Step 2: Bank Detail
Step 3: Education Information
Step 4: Information of Financial requirement and Family background

2. You may update profile and other details in this form before you confirm submission for further processing.
3. On completion of filling the Online Application Form, you will receive your Acknowledgment Receipt. Print this Receipt, attach the required documents, which are mandatory and submit at: SD-SEED Office, 7 Shivaji Nagar, Jalgaon, 425 001 within the given time limit. Your application will be processed further only on submission of the mandatory documents before the given date
4. In case you face any difficulty while filling this form, you may contact SD-SEED helpline no. 0257-2235254 during office hours (9.30 AM to 6.30 PM).

Last Date :
Last Date for filing Renewal Application is 30/09/2017

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Scholarship:
Q.1 When can I apply for SD-SEED Scholarship?:
Ans. The announcement for Online Scholarship Application will be published tentatively in the month of August on our website Kindly visit our website regularly for latest updates.

Q.2 What is the difference between RENEWAL & NEW Beneficiary?:
Ans. Students who have been awarded scholarship in the previous year and are applying in the current year are RENEWAL Beneficiaries.
Students who are applying for the first time in the current year are NEW Beneficiaries.

Q.3 What is the RENEWAL criteria for Scholarship?:
Ans. The Renewal criteria is as follows:
** The students who failed in two or more subjects (ATKT) are not eligible for renewal.
** The students who are studied in the 2nd year of D.T. Ed. are not eligible for renewal.
** Total family annual Income should be less than Rs. 1.5 lacs.

Note: Physically challenged students will get special preference.

Q.4 How do I apply?:
Ans. (1) On our website, the link for online scholarship application is given.
(2) After you click on this link, the instruction page will appear. Kindly read this page carefully.
(3) At the bottom of this page, please enter your Beneficiary Code Number and the Application page will appear.
(4) After saving first page of the Application, you will receive a system generated Log-in ID & Password.
(5) Kindly note this Log-in ID & Password for further use.

Q.5 Can I save my application and come back later?:
Ans. Yes! You may save your scholarship application and continue it later with your Log-in ID and Password.

Q.6 What should I do if I receive an error message while filling out the Scholarship Application?:
Ans. If you receive an error message, please follow the instructions on the error page and contact SD-SEED Helpline No. 0257-2235254 during office hours (9.30 am to 6.30 pm).

Q.7 How do I know that I am successfully filled online Scholarship Application?:
Ans. Once you complete your Application, an Acknowledgement Receipt will be displayed on the screen.

Q.8 What is the last date of submission of Scholarship Application Form?:
Ans. We will announce the last date for submission on our Website.

Q.9 Will I be able to submit my Scholarship Application after the last date?:
Ans. No. The Acknowledge Receipt and all required documents must be submitted on time. The online application link will be discontinued after the last date.

Q.10 Can I make changes to my Scholarship Application after it is submitted?:
Ans. No.


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