Help The Blind Foundation 2017-18 Scholarship For Visually Impaired Students :

Organisation : Help The Blind Foundation
Scholarship Name : Scholarship For Visually Impaired Students 2017-18
Applicable For : Any Visually Impaired Student
Application Last Date : 31st August 2017
Website :
Application Form :

Scholarship :

You may be aware that Help The Blind Foundation is a registered Charitable Trust working since 2010 with the mission to provide visually impaired students access to college education.

Update : Help The Blind Foundation Scholarship 2018-19 :

With this avowed objective ,The Foundation has been providing Scholarship to Students studying in this College for the past few years.Now We invite applications for this academic year ( 2017-18).

Eligibility :
Visualy impaired Students who have been admitted to Undergraduate courses in 2017 and those already pursuing UG courses.

Application Form:
Application Form can be downloaded from Foundation’ website

Documents :
Instruction page which enumerates documents to be submitted along with application form can also be downloaded from Foundation’s website.

Last date for submitting application : 31st August 2017

1. College hostel means hostel facilities run by the college authorities themselves. Please attach attested copy of admission to the hostel and estimate of hostel expenses.
2. **Please attach attested copy of visual impairment certificate.
3. Regarding achievement in extracurricular activities, please attach copies of certificates, if any.
4. **Please attach attested copies of relevant mark sheets for new students .
5. For continuation students , the mark sheet of final exams of 2017 is to be attached.
6. Please note, all applications for scholarship are to be submitted through college coordinator/Foundation’s volunteer. APPLICATION IF RECEIVED DIRECT FROM STUDENT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
8. Trustees decision will be final for awarding SCHOLARSHIP

** Additional documents for New Students

How to apply for scholarship ?:
The scholarship is to be applied for through their college and to be submitted to our trust’s volunteer/college coordinator. Mark sheets for the class 10 and 12 with proper attestation to be attached to the form. Generally, the last date of applying for scholarship will be end of August every year. This will be displayed in our web site.

Can the student apply for your scholarship if he/she is availing of scholarship form other agencies?:
Yes, but this has to be clearly mentioned in the Application Form. However, the amount of scholarship will accordingly be adjusted.

Can a student in the second or third year of graduation apply?:
Yes, provided a satisfactory explanation is given for non-continuation of funding if availed from other sources of previous years.

About HTBF:
Help the Blind Foundation (HTBF) is a registered Charitable Trust, established at Chennai in 2005 and has been functioning since 2010.

Our vision is to successfully elevate the economic status of the visually impaired students in India, thereby improving their image in the eyes of the society.

Our Mission is to achieve our vision by providing visually impaired students in India access to higher education and enabling them to get jobs in today’s modern economy.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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