Ambition IT Scholarships To AIT Varanasi Students :

Organisation : Ambition Institute of Technology
Scholarship Name : Scholarships To AIT Varanasi Students
Applicable For : AIT Varanasi Students
Website :

Scholarships To AIT Varanasi Students :

Scholarships to AIT Varanasi Students offered by UP State Government

Related : Vodafone Foundation India Learning Scholarships Platform :

** Students are motivated to put their best efforts towards various activities of the institution. Semester toppers are entitled for scholarship, in accordance with their performance. Students are also eligible for below mentioned scholarship scheme offered by Uttar Pradesh State Government:
** Uttar Pradesh Government has started a scheme of giving scholarship and fee reimbursement of Students whose parent’s yearly income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1 Lac to alleviate the financial burden of students of all the categories.
** This Scholarship is aimed for the weaker sections in society and supported by Samaj Kalyan Vibhag,( District Welfare Officer) U. P. Government. The basic criteria for govt. scholarships are as follows:
** Parents must have their annual income less than Rs.200000. Student must have a good academic record.

Education Loan:
** On the basis of commendable work accomplished by Ambition Institute of Technology, most of the front line banks are offering financing facilities to the students of the institution for their entire course fee and necessary expenses during studies.
** Moreover, Ambition Institute of Technology has been approved by Nationalised Banks for extending education loan facility to its new students.
** This association encourages the new student entrants of AIT to apply for financial support for their course fee at SMS.
** This funding facility is applicable for all the programs of AIT, Varanasi including all 9 Branches of Engineering & Technology courses as well as.
** Students may also approach portal for availing bank loan .

1-*Chhatra Kalyan Nidhi as given by the U.P State Government
2- *Chhatra Protsahan Nidhi as given by the Institute.
3-Savitri Bai Phule Balika Kalyan Yojana: Scholarship Scheme for girls:-

As per U.P. Govt. order no.3002/16 –Pravidhik Shiksha -3-2010-15(3)/2009 dated 30 June 2010, to encourage girls students in field of technical education who belongs to below poverty line (BPL) families, this scheme is implemented in first year of diploma level polytechnic Institution from session 2010-11.

Benefits under this scheme:
** One year course – one bicycle & Rs. 10000
** Two year course – one bicycle in first year & Rs. 10000 in second year
** Three year course – one bicycle in first year, Rs.10000 in second year &Rs.15000 in third year

Eligibility :-
1.Girls students Should be selected from Joint Entrance Exam conducted by Board of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh.
2.Scheme is only for first year girls students of session 2010-2011.
3.Family of girl student Should have BPL/Antyodya Card.
4.If the benifit has been taken earlier in Intermediate, Then it will not given in again.
5.The Girl Student should be unmarried.

** The application form under this scheme can be filled up at the time of admission by the girl student who meet the above said parameters.
** Application forms are available with admission committee of AIT polytechnic,Varanasi.
** This scheme provides scholarship assistance for girls belonging to weaker section of the society.
** Scholarships are provided to the students from various department of government of Uttar Pradesh such as department of Social Welfare provides scholarships & fees reimbursements to poor students belong to SC/ST & General category on submission of proper income certificate.
** Similarly Department of Backward class Welfare & Department of Minority Welfare provides scholarships & fee compensation to corresponding student on submission of proper certificates.
** Scholarship is also provided to dependent of Freedom Fighters, Solders & employees of different department as per rule & regulation of govt. of Uttar Pradesh & govt. of India.
** The maximum income limit to the scholarship for SC/ST, OBC & General students is Rs. 1Lac per annum.
** Savitri Bai Phule balika kalyan yojna is successfully running in AIT Polytechnic in Varanasi.
** The Govt. will give the following benefits for girl students who are doing three year/two year Diploma course.
** Girls admitted in 3 years Diploma Course will get a bicycle in Ist Year, Rs. 10000/- in second year and Rs. 15000/- in final year.
** Girls admitted in 2 years diploma course will get a bicycle in Ist Year & Rs. 15000/- in final Year.
** Girls admitted in One year Diploma course will get a bicycle.
** For further clarification and Application Form contact institute office. © 2022

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