CSIR-NEIST Golden Jubilee Scholarship 2017

Organisation : CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology
Scholarship Name : CSIR-NEIST Golden Jubilee Scholarship 2017
Applicable For : Under Graduate Students (Science) of NE India
Applicable States : North East States
Application Last Date : 15th September 2017.
Website : http://www.neist.res.in/
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/16973-Guidelines.pdf

Golden Jubilee Scholarship :

The CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat, has instituted a Scholarship Scheme for the students of NE Region for study at Bachelor Degree programme in natural/ basic sciences at B.Sc., B.Sc (Hons), integrated M.Sc. /MS programs in any one of the recognized institutions in India.

Related : CSIR-NEIST Golden Jubilee Scholarship 2016 : www.scholarships.net.in/10080.html

a. The scholarship is exclusively meant for students from North East India.
b. The students must have obtained minimum 70% marks (or 7 in 10 scales) at 10+2 examination and passed in the year 2017 only.
c. Student must be admitted to a basic science course at degree level.
d. Only the scholarship holder will be eligible for availing the training stipend.
e. Economically weak students will be given preference.

Value of Scholarships:
** The value of the scholarship will be 1000/- per month.
** In addition, a stipend of 1500 p.m. will be provided for a maximum period of six months training / project work during the entire course

Duration of Scholarship:
The duration of the scholarship and the stipend will be for a period of 3 years expected to cover the period of the course to which the candidate is admitted. The stipend will be for a period of six months (maximum). The payment of scholarship, however, will be guided by the fulfilment of Clause VII.

Procedure of Selection:
The scheme provides for the award to one student from each state of NE Region per year. Selection will be made by an Award Evaluation Committee in 4 steps-.

** Seeking application from the students scoring minimum 70% (or 7 in 10 scales) in 10+2 examination through advertizing in news paper.
** The economically weak students will be selected for the award.
** Among the economically weak students, selection will be made in order of merit.
** Personal Interview will be held for the final selection, if necessary

Application Procedure :
** Application completely filled in the prescribed format and necessary documents attached should be submitted by the end of August every year.
** Application received during the prescribed date will be evaluated and short listed by the Award Evaluation Committee by the end of August every year.
** Short listed candidates will be screened in order of merit. If there are many candidates having same score, the selection will be based on the personal interview.
** Announcement of the selected students, eligible for the scholarship, will be declared on 26 September and he/ she will be communicated in the first week of September every year.
** Second class train or bus fare (to & fro) will be provided for appearing in the personal interview, wherever applicable.
** Second class train or bus fare (to & fro) will be provided for attending the award ceremony at CSIR-NEIST.

General Condition:
(a) The selected student who accepts this scholarship will not be permitted to avail any other scholarship / concession provided by any other agencies nor permitted to accept any part-time employment.

(b) The scholarship will be terminated without notice:-
** From the date when the scholar fails to score the desired percentage of marks or on the date of expiry of the sanction of the scholarship whichever is earlier.
** If the scholar is dropped by the institution due to any reason or non fulfillment of Clause VII (c).

Submission of Documents:
Duly filled application forms along with the required documents in a sealed cover should be sent by Speed post or Registered post only at the address given below on or before 15 September 2017.

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    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Applications are invited from eligible candidates for "THE CSIR-NEIST GOLDEN JUBILEE SCHOLARSHIP FOR UNDER GRADUATE STUDENTS (SCIENCE) OF NE INDIA", for the year 2017-18 on or before 15 September 2017.

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