WBO Educational Scholarship 2017-18 For Girls Students : wboindia.org

Organisation : World Brotherhood Organisation
Scholarship Name : WBO Educational Scholarship 2017-18
Applicable For : Girls Students Only
Application Last Date : September 1, 2017
Website : wboindia.org
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/16967-Students.pdf

WBO Scholarship :

Scholarship for Education Scheme was launched to support Beti Bachao Beti Padao campaign of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

Update : WBO Educational Scholarship For Girls Students 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/28078.html

The Scheme aims to augment girl students from underprivileged section of the Society to undertake their post-school education by providing them financial assistance in the form of educational Scholarship.

The Scheme was enunciated with a view to ensure adherence of girls in studies with participation from more and more students to avail the benefits and commenced from the academic session 2017-18.

Under the Scheme, about 500 scholarships have been envisaged for academic year 2017-18, each valued at the maximum of Rs. 20,000 annually for the girl students of college/institute.

Eligibility :
1. The student enrolled for any accredited regular undergraduate/ postgraduate/management/technical/vocational academic program with any of the recognized/deemed university under University Grants Commission norms or any recognized institution under AICTE norms will be eligible for Scholarship.
2. The student must have secured minimum of 85% marks in aggregate of main/optional subjects in the last qualified examination.
3. The annual family income of the applicant must not exceed Rs. 2.40 lac
4. Every application received by the last date prescribed for the purpose shall be provided due consideration. However, World Brotherhood Organisation will have Sole discretion to approve or reject the scholarship application without assigning any reason. Number of Scholarships will be restricted upto 10 (ten) per institution for each academic year.

Each Scholarship is equal to the total fee for one year subject to ceiling of Rs. 20,000 (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) for the student enrolled/studying in college/institute. Each sandidate will receive annual scholarship through her college/institute by direct payment in the fee account of the student.

Applications Invited :
The WBO Educational Scholarships aim to augment girl students from underprivileged Sections of the Society. Scholarships are open for the academic year 2017-18, equal to the total fee for full academic year subject to a limit of Rs. 20000.00 (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) per student.

Eligibility Reouirements :
** Applicant must be currently enrolled for any accredited regular academic program.
** Applicant must have secured minimum of 85% marks in aggregate in main/ optional subjects in the last qualified examination.
** Annual family income of the applicant must not exceed Rs. 2.40 Lac.

Submission of Application :
WBO Strongly encourages applications from all eligible girl students. To request Application Form and information regarding relevant documents, please contact concerned office of your Institution. Detailed guidelines for the Scheme have been forwarded to the respective institutions.

Application Last Date : September 1, 2017

1. Please attach full details of Term-wise fees.
2. Also attach previous year’s Mark Sheets.

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