SS Jana Kalyan Trust Davangere Press Scholarship 2017 :

Organisation : Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa Janakalyana Trust Davangere
Scholarship Name : Davangere Press Scholarship 2017
Applicable For : Media Persons & Photographers Children
Applicable District : Davangere, Karnataka
Application Last Date : 30-08-2017
Website :

Press Scholarship :

SS Janakalyan Trust is inviting applications for Press Scholarship for Media Persons & Photographers Children.

Update : SS Janakalyan Trust Davangere Press Scholarship For Media Person 2018 :

Criteria For Availing Scholarship :
1. Son/Daughter of Media persons or Media photographers of Davangere District only
2. Studying in any School or College

Instructions For Filling Online Application Form :
1. Fields marked with * are compulsory
2. Applicant has to fill the online Application available on the website, after filling the form completely applicant has to press SUBMIT button which is at the bottom of the application.
3. After pressing SUBMIT button applicant will get filled application in PDF format along with the application number printed on it.
4. Take a print out of the application affix passport size photo on the application and get signature from your college Principal/Director/Head of the Institution by way of verification and attestation of the photograph and all the Information contained therein. The Principal/Director/Head of Institution shall sign in full and affix his/her office seal with address. Also form should be signed by your father/mother/Guardian.
5. Students should have BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER in any of the core banking facility branch, selected students will receive the scholarship amount to their bank account directly.
6. Students must have ADHAAR

Documents To Be Attached :
The completed application should be submitted personally along with the following documents to the address mentioned below.

1. Affix recent passport size photo,
2. SSLC/10th, PUC/12th marks car
3. Previous year/semesters marks card if studying UG or PG
4. Student Father/Mother Identity card issued by Editor of Media or Accreditation card Issued by Department of Information Government of Karnataka.
5. Copy of school or college Admission receipt/fee receipt
6. Copy of Student Identity card issued by the school or college
7. Copy of Student Bank account passbook showing student photo and account number and IFSC Code.
8. Copy of ADHAAR card

You should write “Scholarship Application For The Childrens Of Media Persons And Media Photographers Of Davangere District” on top of the cover/envelop of the application before submitting in office. If you dont write on the cover, your application will be considered in general category

1. The last date for applying online application is 30-08-2017
2. Last date for submitting the printed application along with all the documents is 05-09-2017, Applications received after 05-09-2016 will not be considered
3. If you do not attach any of the above document will lead to the rejection of your application
4. Any issues and queries related to the online application send e-mail to
5. Only online Applications with application number and with required documents will be accepted, no other applications like hand written or similarly typed applications will not be accepted

Address for sending the applications :
The Secretary
Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa Janakalyan Trust
C/o. R L Law College,
Behind Bapuji Educational Association Head office
P J Extension, Davangere-577002,
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