Tripura 2017-18 Post Matric Scholarship : National Portal

Organisation : National Scholarship Portal
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarship 2017-18
Applicable For : Scheduled Tribe Students
Applicable State : Tripura
Application Last Date : Oct-31-2017
Website :

NSP Tripura Post Matric Scholarship

The scheme covers professional, technical as well as non-professional and non-technical courses at various levels including correspondence courses covering distance and continuing education. The Scheme was introduced during the year 1944-45 and has since been revised from time to time.

Related / Similar Scholarship :
NSP Tripura Post Matric ST Scholarship 2019-20

Salient Features

** A Centrally Sponsored Scheme implemented by the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations.
** 100% Central assistance over and above the committed liability of the States Governments/UTs Admn. from the Government of India.

** The Scheme provides financial assistance to the Scheduled Tribe students studying at post matriculation or post-secondary stage.
** Scholarships are available for studies in India only.

** The State Government and UT to which the applicant actually belongs awards the scholarship.
** The scheme also covers central assistance to States/UTs for setting up Book Banks.


** Scholarships are paid to students whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum.
** All children of the same parents/guardian are eligible.

** Scheduled Tribe candidates who have passed the matriculation or higher secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education are eligible.

** The scholarships are available for the study of all recognized post matriculation or post-secondary courses in recognized institutions except certain identified training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses, Private Pilot Licence courses etc.

** Students studying through correspondence courses are eligible.
** Employed students on leave without pay for the entire duration of a full time course are eligible for course.

** The scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend.
** Students who have received coaching in any of the pre-examination training centres with financial assistance from the Government will not be eligible.


Scholars are paid :-
** Fees for enrolment/registration, tuition, games, Union, Library, Magazine, Medical Examination and such other fees compulsorily payable by the scholar to the Institution or University/Board.

** Study tours charges upto a maximum of Rs. 1600/- per annum.
** Thesis typing and printing charges upto a maximum of Rs. 1600/- for the research scholars.

** Additional allowances to the ST students with disabilities at the prescribed rates for different degree of disability.
** Annual allowance of Rs.1200/- for essential/prescribed books, besides reimbursement of course fees to correspondence course students.

Central assistance to States/UTs for setting up of Book Banks is given @ prescribed rates. For the degree courses maximum limit is Rs. 7500/- for a set of books for two students and for Post-Graduate course @ Rs. 5000/- per student.

View Comments (14)

  • I am studying Diploma in Guwahati. I still haven't got my stipend yet. When will I get my scholarship?

  • I am a student from Tripura. I am studying 10th. I want to apply for this scholarship but I don't know, how to apply? Please help me.

  • I am from Tripura studying in Dehradun, I want to know why are you not providing the same amount to all, few days back we got an PDF file listed names of those ST students whose status need to be verified again with proper documents submission on (or) before 20th June 2018 and in that list amount is also mention where I have seen many students listed amount is not same, in my case my listed amount is less i.e Rs.20000 where my classmates same whose amount is listed Rs.60000, why is the difference? We students contacted office through call and then they said it may be because of non hosteler issue but I am also hosteler when we said we are staying hostel to SIR , then he could not answer our questions. Can you please tell me why? (or) the amount listed shown in that PDF file is not the amount to be given (or) it is real amount to be given. Please solve this matter soon. As we many students are waiting for the scholarship to pay college fees with that and if SIR give less amount which is not equal with others than we face trouble, we wont be able to pay fees so therefore please look to this issue. Hope you help us to get full amount as my friends get from same college and same course.

  • I am a student of Tripura. Now I am reading in KIIT Polytechnic, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha. But I have still not get the Scholarship stipend of Post Matric of 2017-18. So I want to confirm that, when I will get the Stipend. I belong to SC caste.

  • We are not getting the scholarship money. Why it is getting delayed? Please let us know.

  • I am a Engineering 1st year student studying in Bangalore. My friends have got their scholarship. So when I will get my scholarship?

  • I am from Tripura and college student. I am from poor background. Please provide the scholarship amount soon to pay my college fees.

  • I have passed class 12th in 2017 with 80% and came to know about the scholarship after the last date is over, Now can I apply for this?

  • Can you please extend the date for ST Post Matric Scholarship? Your website has no option of NIELIT Diploma course.

  • We want to know whether Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh states will accept scholarship form offline only and what is the last date of submission of scholarship form?

    • Go to the website of National Scholarship Portal & then go to the State Schemes Tab for complete details & online application.

      ** Pre-Matric ST Scholarship Schemes Open Till 31-10-2017
      ** Post-Matric ST Scholarship Schemes Open Till 31-10-2017
      ** Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students Tripura Open Till 30-11-2017
      ** Post Matric Scholarship For OBC Students Tripura Open Till 30-11-2017

      Arunachal Pradesh :
      ** Pre Matric Scholarship for needy ST Students of Class IX & X Closed
      ** Post Matric Scholarship(PMS) for ST Students Closed

  • I am from Tripura. Actually now I am a student of HS first year. I am studying in GUWAHATI. I want to apply for scholarship. How can I?

    • National Scholarship Portal welcomes you to register and apply to scholarship schemes of Tripura State. © 2022

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