ksb.gov.in DESW PMSS FAQs Frequently Asked Questions : Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme

Organisation : KSB Kendriya Sainik Board
Scholarship Name : DESW Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme PMSS
Service Name : FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
Website : https://online.ksb.gov.in/index.htm
PMSS FAQ : https://online.ksb.gov.in/index.htm


Is there any provision to apply for PMSS in Second year of professional degree course?:
No, student has to apply in first year of professional degree course only.

Update : KSB DESW PMSS Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/25886.html

Is the copy of Discharge Book necessary along with application form?:
No, Discharge Book is not to be enclosed with application form. Only Annx-1 of Application Form duly signed by Secretary / Director of ZSB / RSB / Coast Guard HQs to be enclosed with application.

Are diploma courses eligible for PMSS?:
No, only professional degree courses recognised by a central regulatory body such as AICTE, MCI etc are eligible for PMSS.

Are PG Courses allowed for PMSS?:
Only MBA and MCA are allowed for PMSS. No other PG courses are allowed for PMSS.

Are B.Sc B.Ed integrated courses eligible for PMSS?:
No, these courses are not eligible as BA & B.Sc are academic courses. B.Ed course is eligible for PMSS.

Is PMSS considering the courses conducted abroad?:
No, PMSS is applicable to the students who are studying in India only.

How to Apply For Scholarship?:
Application to be filled ONLINE by visiting KSB websitewww.ksb.gov.in. Hard copy / paper application will not be entertained. For easy understanding a flow chart is available on KSB website under PMSS link how to apply ONLINE.

What is the last date of submission of application form to apply for PMSS and how will I come to know about it?:
An advertisement is published in all the leading newspapers across country in the month of Aug every year. Wide publicity is also ensured through RSBs/ZSBs. Student should apply online by visiting KSB websitewww.ksb.gov.in between 15 Aug to 15 Nov.

How the students will know about their selection in PMSS Merit List?:
On finalisation of merit list, the same is uploaded on KSB websitewww.ksb.gov.in and the same is also forwarded to all Rajya Sainik Boards (RSBs). The respective RSB will intimate the students of their State about their Selection Sl. No. in the merit list. Student can also monitor the progress of his application on KSB website www.ksb.gov.in.

How and when subsequent payments are made and what are the documents required?:
On declaration of result of each Academic Year (Sem 1st & 2nd – First Year, Sem 3rd & 4th – Second Year and so on…..), the student has to apply online on KSB websitewww.ksb.gov.in . For the benefit of student user friendly flow chart is uploaded on the KSB website mentioning about the entire procedure under PMSS link.

If a student do not claim his / her scholarship amount, then what would be the case?:
If a student does not claim his / her scholarship by sending Payment-cum-Renewal Form on declaration of result of each academic year, then his / her case would be closed for ever.

How many wards of a ESM are eligible to apply for PMSS?:
Only two wards of a ESM are eligible to apply for PMSS.

If a student has already availed PMSS in the past, can he again apply for PMSS?:
No. PMSS is allowed for one course only.

If a student does not pass, then will he/she get the scholarship amount in subsequent year?:
The student has to score 50% marks in each semester / academic year, then only he/she will get his/her PM scholarship amount. Failing to score 50% marks or get RA/fail in any subject / semester or in any academic year, his / her scholarship to be closed forever.

Can a selected student change their course and college?:
No. Once selected in the merit, student has to study the same course only. On changing of course / college, PMSS will discontinue immediately. No further scholarship will be awarded in such case.

Can I get scholarship if I am a civilian/ward of Para-military personnel/Ward central armed forces police?:
No, this scholarship is awarded to the wards and widows of Ex-servicemen who has served in Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast guards.

Is Seeding of student Adhaar card with student Account Number is necessary for scholarship?:
Yes, it is mandatory requirement for payment of scholarship.

In case of any doubt, whom to be contacted for PMSS?:
Jt Dir PMSS may be contacted. His Tele No is – 011-26715250 and e-mail ID is jdpmssksb-mod@gov.in

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