National Scholarship Portal FAQs 2017-18 Top Class Scholarship Scheme For SC Students :

Organisation : National Scholarship Portal
Service Name : FAQ Frequently Asked Questions of Top Class Scholarship Scheme For SC Students 2017-18
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Website :

Scholarship FAQ :

Q.1- To whom the scholarship is provided under the scheme?
Ans: The scholarship is provided to SC students, pursuing studies beyond 12th class in the 175 notified institutes by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The scholarship is provided to the students who come under the allotted slots to the institute as per the inter-se merit prepared by the institute.

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Q.2- In which institutions the scheme is operative?
Ans: The scheme operates in 175 institutions notified by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.

Q.3- What are the components of scholarship under the scheme?
Ans: The scholarship is awarded to meet the requirements of:
1. Tuition fee
2. Non-refundable charges
3. Living expenses (boarding and lodging charges)
4. Books and stationery
5. A computer (one time grant in fresh year only)

Q.4- What is the rate of tuition fee and other non-refundable charges?
1. For Govt. institutions: Full or as per the actuals.
2. For Private Sector institutions: Rs. 2.00 lakh per annum per student subject to actuals.
3. For Private Sector Flying Clubs (for Commercial Pilot License Training): Rs. 3.72 lakh per annum per student subject to actuals.

Q.5- What are the rates of other components?
1. Living expenses: Rs. 2220/- per month per student (admissible for 12 months).
2. Books and stationery : Rs. 3000/- per annum per student.
3. Computer : Rs. 45,000/- per student
(The above rates are subject to actuals).

Q.6- Whether scholarship, once awarded, continues till the completion of the course?
Ans: Yes, it will continue till the completion of the course, subject to satisfactory performance.

Q.7- Whether the scholarship would be terminated?
Ans: Yes, if the student fails to pass the examination of each year or any terminal examination prescribed.

Q.8- Who are eligible for scholarship under the scheme?
Ans: Only SC students, who have secured admission in the notified institutions, are eligible for scholarship.

Q.9- To what extent the number of scholarships is given to the institutions in a year?
Ans: The number of scholarships to the students per year is given to the extent of number of scholarships allocated to the institutes concerned.

Q.10- What happens when the number of admitted students exceeds the number of awards?
Ans: In that situation, the scholarship is restricted to the top ones in the inter-se-merit list.

Q.11- What happens if an institute finds number of eligible candidates in the 1st year less than the number of scholarships allotted to it?
Ans: In such cases, the balance scholarship is offered to the students of 2nd, 3rd, 4th year, etc. on the basis of inter-se-merit of previous year’s result. (Priority is given to those students with higher number of years left to complete the course. For example: 2nd year student will get priority over the 3rd year student, 3rd year student over the 4th year student and so on).

Q.12- Whether the 2nd or 3rd year student, getting the scholarship for the first time, would get the computer purchase reimbursement?
Ans: Yes, if the student is getting the scholarship first time, in any year, he would be considered fresh student and would get reimbursement for computer fee purchase.

Q.13- What is the ceiling of total Annual Family Income?
Ans: Rs. 4.50 lakh.

Q.14- What is the criterion for selection of students?
Ans: The general selection criteria among the eligible candidates of any institution are the merit.

Q.15- What happens if there is more than one student with equal marks for the last available slot in an institution?
Ans: The preference is given to the student whose parental income is lowest.

Q.16- How the institutions are notified under the scheme?
Ans: Any addition or deletion to the list of institutions is notified by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment based on the recommendations of the Steering Committee constituted under the scheme.

Q.17- How many institutions are notified under the scheme?
Ans: Presently, there are 212 notified institutions, which include IITs, NITs, IIMs, SPAs, Law Schools, Medical Institutions and aviation academies.

Q.18- How the fund is released?
Ans: Fund is released directly to the institution concerned in a single installment or the beneficiary student (in case of DBT institution).

Q.19- What will be the effects on students if an institution is denotified/deleted?
Ans: The scholarship will continue to be available to the students already admitted till the completion of course. (However, no fresh seats will be allotted and funds released to such denotified institutes).

Q.21- What is the last date for applying on the portal?
Ans. The last day for applying on the portal of NSP is 30th October, of every year.

Q.22- Can the students who are seeking renewal apply on the portal, especially the students who have earlier applied manually?
Ans. The student seeking renewal for the year 2017-18 may not need to apply on the portal. They may submit application in physical form through their institutes.

Q.23- What is the procedure for receiving the scholarship for the last two/three years? Students have to apply through portal or submit the application in physical form?
Ans. The students have to apply by sending their physical forms through their institutes.

Q.24- The name of the course is not appearing the drop down menu, to whom I shall contact?
Ans. You should contact your institute, which in turn will contact NIC PMU for ratifying the problem.

Q.25- The name of the Institutes is not appearing in the drop down menu, whom to contact?
Ans. You should contact your institute, which in turn will contact NIC PMU for ratifying the problem.

Q.26- In the attachment, it is not feasible to upload more than two formats in jpeg format. How to upload?
Ans. It is advised that all the documents should be scanned in one PDF file and may by uploaded on the portal.

Q.27- From where to buy DSC?
Ans. For DSCs, the institutes may contact the Nodal Officers in Social Welfare Departments of their concerned states.

Q.28- How to activate and regulate DSCs within NSP and PFMS?
Ans. It has been decided to not to use DSCs for the NSP for the time being. For activating and registering DSCs on PFMS, the institutes may contact DBT cell in the Ministry at

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