IITBBS 2017-18 Vidyalaxmi Interest Free Education Loan Scheme : Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Organisation : Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Scholarship Name : Vidyalaxmi Interest Free Loan Scheme 2017-18
Application Last Date : 05th October 2017
Website : http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/interest-free-loan.php
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/16760-%20Loan.pdf
Application Form: https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/16760-Form.pdf

Vidyalaxmi Scheme :

Applications in the prescribed form of State Bank of India are invited from the students of 1st year and 2nd year undergraduate programme for interest free loans under the Vidyalaxmi Scheme for the tuition fee payable for the session 2017-18.

Related : IITBBS Vidyalaxmi Interest Free Loan Scheme 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/27216.html

This facility shall be made available to all the students whose household income does not exceed Rs. 9 lakh per annum.

As per the MHRD directive the interest subvention on the education loans, for all students admitted for undergraduate and the 5-yr integrated degree programmes, covering the period of the study plus one year of moratorium (not exceeding 5 years in total), subject to the following guidelines:

Guidelines :
i. The education loan, for this purpose, shall cover only the tuition fee payable by the student as per his eligibility. The portion of the tuition fee paid by the student from his own sources at the time of securing admission could be reimbursed from the overall loan.
ii. The terms of the loan shall be in accordance with the broad contours of the Educational Loan Scheme of the Indian Bank’s Association for pursuing Technical/Professional Education studies in India.
iii. The term of the loans sanctioned under this dispensation shall be 10 years.
iv. There shall be no collateral for sanction of the loan except the personal guarantee of the student (applicant) and the parent/guardian (co-applicant).
v. The subvention of interest (on equated basis) shall be applicable for a maximum period of 4 or 5 years (which may be include a one year moratorium).
vi. After the expiry of the above period, the interest on the outstanding loan amount shall be paid by the students, in accordance with the provisions of the existing educational loan scheme of the Banks and as may be amended from time to time.
vii. The interest subvention is subject to the satisfactory performance of the student in the institution.

Eligible students are advised to fill the State Bank of India Education Loan Application Form, Opinion Form, and Affidavit given in the Institute website and enclose all the required documents in support of their Parental Annual Income Certificate for the year 2016-17 as per parents’ occupational status

(i.e. If Service then Salary Certificate, Annex- II Form ’A’ with other relevant enclosures / if Business , Agriculture etc. then Affidavit , Annex- III, Form-B with other relevant enclosures / if Pensioner , then Pension Certificate Annex-I V , Form C with other relevant enclosures as applicable, as stated in Annexure- I (List of Documents to be Submitted) as per guardians’ occupational status.

All the above Annexures / Forms related to parental income certificates etc. can be downloaded from Institute Website. The Hard Copy of t h e Application Form duly enclosing a the relevant documents / annexures, as stated above, be submitted to Academic Section on or before 5th October, 2017 positively.

The Application Form and other required documents must be signed by both student and his/her guardian otherwise it will be treated as cancelled.

List Of Documents Required For Scholar Loan (For IIT) :
(A) For Student :
** Completely filled-in Application Form
** 2 recent Passport size Photographs
** Copy of PAN Card
** Copy of Aadhar Card
** ID Proof: Passport/ Driving License/ Voter ID Card etc.
** Copies of Certificates & Marks sheets – starting from 10th and onwards
** Entrance Score Card
** Letter of Admission from the Institute
** Schedule of Expenses
** Reference of two reputed persons of the locality/ native place known to the applicant in a plain paper – (Name, Address, e-Mail ID, Contact Number, Mobile Number )

(B) For Parent / Guardian :
** 2 recent Passport size photographs
** Copy of PAN Card
** Copy of Aadhar Card
** ID Proof: Passport/ Driving License/ Voter ID Card etc.
** Address Proof : Electricity Bill/Telephone Bill/Passport with same address/Driving License etc.
** Proof of Income (i.e. salary slips / Form 16)
** IT Return, Form 16 for last 2 years if IT Assesse / Copy of PPO in case of Pensioner /

For Others: Income Certificate from Tahsildar
** Bank Account Statement for last 1 year
** Proof of Domicile
** Affidavit for Education Loan (Both by Student & Parent) – format enclosed
** Statement of Assets & Liabilities (to be supported by evidence) – format enclosed

Please also Note that:
** The loan is to be applied jointly by the student & the Father/Guardian.
** A joint SB Account (Student & Father/Guardian) required to be opened in SBI.
** All original documents (Student & Father/Guardian) to be produced for verification at the time of documentation.

Contact :
1. Prasant Ku. Khuntia, Dy. Manager 9040019354
2. Simanta Das, PO 9937498860
3. Purnendu Mohapatra, Chief Manager 9437559896

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