IITBBS 2017-18 Merit- cum-Means Scholarship : Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Organisation : Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Scholarship Name : Merit- cum-Means Scholarship 2017-18
Application Last Date : 3rd October 2017
Website : http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/16756-Form.pdf

Merit- cum-Means Scholarship :

Merit- cum-Means (MCM) Scholarship/Free Studentship (Fresh) for the Session 2017-18 for new entrants admitted to (B.Tech)

Update : IITBBS MCM Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship/Free Studentship Fresh 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/27222.html

List of Documents To Be Submitted :
Following documents to be submitted along with the hard copy of online mcm scholarship (fresh)

Application For 2017-18 for different Classes of Guardians’ Occupation :
1) For Salaried Class (Guardians’ who are in Service either Govt. or Private)

a) Salary Certificate for the Financial Year 2016-17 (from 01.04.16 to 31.03.17) in prescribed Form ‘A given in Annexure II duly sealed/stamped by the Salary Disbursing Officer.

b) Attested Copy of IT Form 16 to be issued by employer along with ITR for the year 2016-17 (Assessment Year 2017-18) duly acknowledge by concerned Income office.

c) Attested Copy of Income Certificate from local District Authorities like S.D.O./ B.D.O./M.R.O./TAHASILDER/ Chairman/Executive Officer of Municipal Corporation etc. in addition to the documents as stated above.

2) For Non-Salaried Class (Guardians who are not in Service such as Businessmen, Legal/Medical Practitioners, Consultants, Private Tutors, Retired without Pension/Selfemployed persons. etc).

a) An Annual Income Affidavit for the financial year 2016-17 in a Non-Judicial Stamp for Rs.100/- sworn in before preferably a First Class Magistrate / Notary Public as per the format given in Form -“B” (Annexure-III).

b) Attested Copy of Income Certificate from local District Authorities like S.D.O./ B.D.O./M.R.O./TAHASILDER/ Chairman/Executive Officer of Municipal Corporation etc. in addition to Income Affidavit and other documents as stated above & below.

N.B. :
Submission These Two Documents as stated in 2 (a & b) above, are Mandatory For Any Class Of Occupation In Case Of Non-Salaried Guardians (such as Agriculture, Business class, self-employed, Legal/Medical Practitioners/Retired without Pension/Private Tutors/ Contractors/Consultants etc.)

c) Attested copies of ITR Form/IT Return as applicable (to be attested by a Govt. Officer), for the year 2016-17 (Assessment Year 2017-18) duly stamped/sealed from concerned Income Tax Office. Copy of Registration Certificate must be submitted in case of Medical Practitioner and Legal Practitioner.

Those who Retired without Pension, they have to submit Retirement/Termination/ Superannuating letter/documents/papers etc. along with Income Affidavit, Income & Non-employment Certificate from local District Authorities like S.D.O. / B.D.O. /M.R.O./ TAHASILDER, Executive Officer of Municipal Corporation etc , Income Tax documents , if applicable, as stated in item 2) a, b, & c above.

3) For Pensioners/Family Pensioners:
a) Annual Pension Payment Certificate for the year 2016-17 in prescribed For ‘C’ given in Annexure- IV to be issued by the Pension Disbursing Officer.

b) An Income & Non-employment Certificate from local District Authorities like S.D.O. /B.D.O./ M.R.O./ TAHASILDER, Chairman/ Executive Officer of Municipal Corporation etc. for the year 2016-17 also to be submitted in addition to other documents as stated in item 3 (a) above. Submission of all the documents as stated in 3 (a & b) above, are mandatory for the guardians who are either pensioner or family pensioner.

c) Copy of PPO, Superannuating/Retirement/Termination letter and attested copies of I.T.

Documents, if any.( such as ITR Form / IT Form16, IT return etc. for the current year, if applicable).

N.B. :
1) All the entries as stated in Column 2 above must be supported by attested copy of IT Form 16 for the corresponding financial year of Annual Salary Certificate along with relevant ITR , if any.

2) Guardians who need not submit IT Form 16/ ITR due to their Low annual Income (Govt. or Pvt. Service), they must have to submit the following additional documents along with Annual Salary Certificate as per Form ‘A’ – Annexure-II above :

(i) a certificate from Employer/Salary disbursing officer stating that their annual income is Not Taxable and they need not produce IT Form 16 and

(ii) An Annual Income Certificate for 2016-17 from District Authority like S.D.O./B.D.O./ Tahalsidar/Anchal Officer, Executive Officer of Municipal corporation etc. as stated in Col. 1

(c) of Annexure-I : Submission of these documents as stated above in Col : 2 (i) & (ii), alongwith annual Salary Certificate in prescribed Form ‘A’ (Annexure-II), is mandatory for the guardians’ having low salaries Income group/ Private Job, who could not submit Income Tax documents/ ITR.

N.B. :
The Pensioners have to also submit an Income Certificate for 2016-17 from local District Authorities like S.D.O. / B.D.O. /M.R.O./ TAHASILDER, Anchal Officer, Chairman/Executive Officer of Municipal Corporation etc. as applicable along with Annual Pension Certificate duly filled in asm per above stated format (Form-C, Annexure- IV).

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