CEPT University 2017-18 Teaching Fellowships Spring Semester

Organisation : CEPT University
Scholarship Name : Teaching Fellowships Spring Semester 2017-18
Application Last Date : 15th September, 2017
Website : http://cept.ac.in/news/768/teaching-fellowships-announced-spring-semester-2017-18-application-Last Date-15th-sep-2017-sup-style-color-red-font-weight-bold-open-sup

Teaching Fellowship :

International Research and Teaching Fellowships Announced: Spring Semester 2017-18, Application Last Date: 15th September, 2017.

Related : CEPT University Admissions 2017 Student Financial Aid Means cum Merit Scholarship : www.scholarships.net.in/13099.html

CEPT University announces the Call for its Research & Teaching Fellowship for young graduates from outside India to teach at the University. The Fellowship is open to outstanding recent graduates of programs in any discipline so long as they are able to meaningfully contribute to the discourse on Human Habitat, which is the core of the University’s mission.

This fellowship furthers the University’s mission of excellence in education with exchange of skills, techniques and knowledge between the fellows and the University. The fellows have an opportunity to understand a dynamic social context in one of the rapidly developing cities in India. They would be able to use either one of the summer or winter breaks for self-pursuits.

The fellowship is aimed to contribute to the diverse learning environment at CEPT. The candidate can express interest, while applying, in any one of the five Faculties of the University namely: Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Design, Faculty of Planning, Faculty of Technology and Faculty of Management.

Fellows will teach for two regular semesters (17 weeks each) and either a Winter School or a Summer School (4 weeks) at CEPT University. Courses may be taught individually (theory or seminar courses) or as a part of a larger faculty team (Studios). Fellows will engage in research activities of the Faculty they are enrolled with.

** Candidate must have a graduate or PhD degree in any discipline from an accredited university outside India.
** Candidate must not be currently resident in India and preferably have graduated less than five years before the last date of application.

** Monthly stipend: INR 45, 000; Yearly Stipend: INR 540, 000 (For 12 months)
** Reimbursement of Travel Expenses up to INR 150, 000
** Fellows shall not be eligible for tickets or allowance for dependents.
** Fellows shall be liable to pay local/state taxes as applicable.
** Term of Fellowship will be for one year starting tentatively from mid-July/January as per the academic calendar of CEPT University.

Application & Evaluation:
Applicants should send the following information before 15th September, 2017.

** Statement of Purpose not exceeding 1500 words. This will be central part of candidate’s evaluation.
** This should also include ideas of the courses they would like to teach during the 2 semesters, if selected.
** Candidate’s Curriculum Vitae.
** Two reference letters of which one must be academic.

A review committee set up by CEPT University will evaluate all applications and select candidates for final offers of fellowship. Apart from academic qualifications, experience of candidates in professional practice, teaching and research will be considered and evaluated by the committee.

Fellows shall document the outcomes of their involvement with CEPT in a report that will be produced and submitted to the CEPT Library towards the end of the tenure of their fellowship. A working paper from the research undertaken is encouraged.

Submit your application and documents to exchangeoffice@cept.ac.in

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