: NTSE 2017-18 National Talent Search Exam Uttarakhand

Organisation : Uttarakhand State Council of Educational Research & Training SCERT
Scholarship Name : NTSE 2017-18 National Talent Search Examination
Applicable For : Students Studying in Class X
Applicable State : Uttarakhand
Application Last Date : 10th September 2017
Exam Date : 5th November, 2017
Website :
Notification :

National Talent Search Exam :

SCERT Uttarakhand is inviting applications for NTSE 2017-18 National Talent Search Examination

Update : SCERT Uttarakhand NTSE National Talent Search Scholarship Examination 2019 :

The National Talent Search Examination will be conducted for students studying at the Class X level. The examination consists of tests, namely Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The items in the MAT and SAT are multiple choice questions.

Each question has four alternatives. The candidate has to select one correct answer from the given alternatives and mark its number in the answer-sheet as per instructions given on the answer sheet. Each correct answer carries one mark. Thus, the total score of a candidate in a test is equal to the number of questions answered correctly by him/her.

The examination is conducted every year at two levels:
Stage-I (State Level) and Stage-II (National Level), however, the students studying abroad are exempted for State Level Stage-I of NTS examinations as per NTS Scheme.

Scholarships :
About One thousand scholarships are awarded for different stages of education as follows:

(a) Scholarship of Rs.1250/- per month for Class-XI to XII.
(b) Scholarship of Rs.2000/- per month for Undergraduates and Post-graduates.
(c) Amount of Scholarship for Ph.D. be fixed in accordance with the UGC norms.

15% for students belonging to the SC category, 7.5% for students belonging to the ST category and 3% for Physically Challenged Group of Students.

Qualifying Marks:
Qualifying marks for candidates from General category is 40% in each paper and for candidates from SC, ST, PH is 32% in each paper.

Language Test :
Qualifying in nature and marks obtained for Language Test will not be counted for final merit.

Mental Ability Test (MAT):
This test is given to the candidates to judge their power of reasoning, ability to think, ability to judge, evaluate or discriminate, ability to visualize in the space, spatial orientation, etc. A variety of questions, for example: analogies, classification, series, pattern perception, hidden figures, coding-decoding, block assembly, problem solving etc. are used for this purpose

Type of School /Institution:
A Government school is that which is run by the State Government or Central Government or Public Sector Undertaking or an Autonomous Organization completely financed by the Government.

Local Body:
A Local Body school is that which is run by Panchayati Raj and Local Body institution such as Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporation, Municipal Committee and Notified Area Authority Committee and Cantonment Board.

Private Aided:
A Private Aided school is that which is run by an individual or a private organization and receives grant from Government or Local Body.

Private Unaided:
A Private Unaided School is that which is managed by an individual or a private organization and does not receive any grant either from Government or Local Body. © 2022

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