Thapar GHES 2017-18 Guru Harkrishan Educational Society Scholarship

Organisation : Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology University
Scholarship Name : GHES 2017-18 Guru Harkrishan Educational Society Scholarship
Applicable For : Students of Thapar University
Application Last Date : 30th September 2017
Website :
Application Form :

GHES Scholarship

The Scholarship is awarded without any discrimination of Caste Creed religion or domicile.

Related : Thapar University Scholarship :

The criteria for eligibility is as under :
(A) Eligibility
i) The Student should have passed the previous examination with a minimum of 60% marks.
ii) Income of the parents of the Students (both Father & mother) should not exceed Rs 25,000/- p.m. (exclusive of House Rent Allowance and Fixed Medical Allowance in the case of employees/pensioners).

iii) Students shall not be in receipt of scholarship or any other concession from Some other source.
iv) Students studying in any professional Vocational course Such as Medical Managerial/Technical Teaching/Scientific Engineering Computer Technology and Post Graduate Courses, etc. shall be eligible to apply.

(B) Quantum of Scholarship:
Each Scholarship is valued by taking into consideration the tuition fee payable by the student and the over all funds available with the Society for disbursement, subject to a maximum of Rs.600/- per month and a minimum of Rs.100/- per month (The Society is a Charitable Trust and for funds is totally dependent on Voluntary public donations which by all means are limited.

The Society is not getting any financial grant from the Government or any other Organizations). In accordance with the scheme explained above we request you to sponsor eligible students for the year 2017-18 , on the prescribed Application Form (specimen Copy enclosed) with the required documents. Typed, Hand written or Photos copies of the form are also acceptable.

All such applications be passed on to us as per procedure given below:-
1. Only those Applications please be sent which meet the prescribed parameters and are accompanied With the required documents Such as original copy of Income Affidavit Salary certificate etc. and attested photo copies of the result of last year’s Exam passed. Incomplete Applications without the required documents and with the columns prescribed for head of the institutions not completely filled in will not be considered.

2. The portion tabulated on the application form for being filled in by the Head of the Institution please be answered fully on each Application Form. All the application Forms of your Institution be preferably passed on to us in one lot listed in order of priority but not exceeding total of y applications. The last date for applications to reach us is 30th September 2017 Due to shortage of funds viz. a viz.

The Number of applications pouring in the principle of First Come First Served’ is observed. Therefore the earlier you send your applications the better. It is requested that your students including students of all your allied departments of study for the current academic session may please be fully apprised of this scheme.

Compassionate cases based on extreme poverty, orphans’ fatherless, wards of deserted or divorced women, physical disability Sufferers or any other calamity hit students can be recommended on priority. We seek your full co-operation for the identification of really needy students.

Eligibility Conditions for the Grant of Scholarship :
i) Course of study should be Professional or Vocational such as Managerial Medical / Post Graduate Commercial Technical Educational etc. Whether at Certificate, Diploma, Degree or Post Graduate Level.
ii) The total income of the family of the student should not exceed Rs.25000. p.m. (excluding House Rent & Medical Allowance in the case of employees pensioners)
iii) The applicant should not be in receipt of scholarship from any other source.
IV) The student should have passed the previous qualifying examination in 1st Class Division. (Minimum 60% Marks)

Important :
Please ensure that all the columns of the application form are answered fully and that the required documents are attached to facilitate the award of Scholarship, incomplete applications are likely to be filed.

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