IIT Kharagpur 2017-18 Endowment Scholarships : iitkgp.ac.in

Organisation : Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Scholarship Name : Endowment Scholarships 2017-18
Applicable For : Students of IIT Kharagpur
Application Last Date : 10.11. 2017
Website : http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/16509-endow.pdf

Endowment Scholarships :

Applications are invited in the prescribed format (to be down loaded from Institute Web. Notice Board) from the eligible students for the following endowment scholarships

Related : IIT Kharagpur Endowment Scholarships 2016-17 : www.scholarships.net.in/11246.html

List of Scholarships :
1. Batch of 85 Scholarship (Non-Endowment):
Applications are invited for two Non-Endowment Scholarships of Rs.1,00,000/-each per annum for the session 2017-18.

CGPAof first year and the annual income of parents not exceeding Rs.6.00 Lakhs per annum from all sources. Second year students (who have not failed in any subject at any level, maintain at least the minimum CGPA of 6.00 every year, and not having any disciplinary punishment) of 4-year B. Tech., 5-year Integrated M. Sc., 5-year Dual Degree and 5-year B.Arch. Programmes (admitted in 2016-2017 session) can apply for the above.

2. Shyamal and Sunanda Ghosh Endowment Scholarship:
Applications are invited from the students of Mechanical Engineering Department (B. Tech. & DD) for four scholarships (1stto 4thyear) of Rs.3,OOO/-each per month for ten months.

(i) CGPAupto the previous semester (for 2nd to 4thyear B.Tech./D.D students).
(ii) AIR will be the main criteria for 1styear students (B.Tech./DD).
(iii) Family income not exceeding Rs.10.00 lakh.

2nd to 4thyear students (who have not failed in any subject at any level, maintain at least the minimum CGPAof 6.00 every year and not having any disciplinary punishment) can apply for the above mentioned scholarship.

Interested and eligible students may submit their application with income certificate and academic performance report duly forwarded by the Head of the Department to the Assistant Registrar (UGS).

3. Arjun OasOatta Memorial MCM Endowment Scholarship :
Five scholarships per year of Rs.2,500.00 payable per month for 12 months of the Academic Session be given as per usual norms observing the guidelines enhancing the ceiling of parental income prescribed for MCM scholarship of the Institute (6 lacks).

The scholarship be payable to the students enrolled in the Undergraduate Courses [admitted through JEE(Advanced)] in the first year for a period of 4/5 years, and the student should not be receiving any other scholarship/assistantship, from the Institute or other sources.

The documents to be provided for verification of parental income will be as followed for grant of Institute MCM Scholarships. The award will be with the condition that the scholarship recipient gives the following declaration.

a) Iwill stay away from taking or giving bribes in execution of my profession.
b) Wherever Ican, Iwill help persons who deserve and need help.

4. Rajendranath Das Memorial Award:
In the commencement year Six Engineering & Science students of first year admitted through JEE(Advanced) will be eligible for this award depending on their merit and need. The need will be judged on the basis of parent’s annual income, as per the existing Senate norms for endowment scholarships (presently maximum Rs.6 lakhs).

5. Madan Sundar Sahu Memorial Scholarship:
One scholarship of Rs.2,100.00 per month (payable for 10 months in a session) is awarded to a student of 2nd year of 4 year B.Tech.(H) /5 year Dual Degree course based on CGPAat the end of 2nd semester and subject to his annual family income not exceeding 6 lacks.

6.Indian Women’s Association Bond Scholarship:
One scholarship of the value of Rs.1500.00 tenable for 10 months (July to April following) can be awarded to a First Year undergraduate student of B. Tech.(H), B. Arc.(H) or 5-year Integrated M. Sc.| M.Tech. course awarded on the basis of Merit-cum-Means in consideration of guardian’s annual income.

Application Procedure :
All the above scholarships are also subject to other conditions and the rules. Completed forms enclosing Income certificate from acompetent authority for the immediate preceding financial year, are to be submitted to the Academic (UG) Section between 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. on or before 10.11. 2017. As per rules no student will be permitted to enjoy more than one scholarship during the

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