Spectrum IIT Academy 2018 Scholarship cum Entrance Exam : spectrumiitacademy.com

Organisation : Spectrum IIT Academy
Scholarship Name : SPECTRUM Scholarship cum Entrance Exam 2018
Applicable For : Class Xth to Class XIth Moving Students in 2018
Exam Date : 28th October 2017
Website : http://spectrumiitacademy.com/spectrum/admission.html

Scholarship cum Entrance Exam :

SPECTRUM Scholarship cum Entrance Exam For Class Xth to Class XIth Moving Students in 2018.

Related : SPECTRUM Scholarship cum Entrance Exam 2017 : www.scholarships.net.in/13068.html

How To Apply :
The academic world is highly competitive, more so now than ever before. The college application process is no exception. The entrance examinations such as JEE-Main, JEE-Advanced, AIIMS, NEET, BITSAT, MH-CET etc. are becoming more and more competitive and thus the challenges for an examination taker are increasing everyday.

SPECTRUM helps you develop a competitive mindset and strong foundation of knowledge and concepts.

Procedure :
If you are interested in taking admission in our program, we encourage you visit our centre to meet us, see our institute, know us, and assess if we are the right fit for you .we urge you to take a prior appointment with us by calling us so that we will be well prepared to serve you.

On meeting us, if you find that we are the right institute for you, we suggest you to get through the admission process. If you are convinced that you want to start with the admission process, the first step in the admission process is the registration and purchase of application packet worth Rs. 300/-

At the time of registration you can choose the application date according to your convenience.

Our admissions process is highly impersonal. This Admission Process is a holistic, intense and time taking one. It is enlightening and appropriate. Every step of the process is essential. We don’t believe in a one-dimensional measure of child’s aptitude based on problem solving.

Our Admission Process consists of enabling the student to discover himself. Its purpose is to provide the right career guidance to the student.

This Process will be in three steps:
1. Written feedback about student’s career aspirations, goals, strengths & weaknesses, study habits and behavioral traits from the viewpoint of both parents and student. (The information is utilized in totality to discuss whole gamut of questions pertaining to child’s career)

2. General Aptitude Test of 45 min duration, which contains problems based on mental ability. (This test can give transparency about student’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Problem solving skills.)

3. Scholastic Aptitude Test of 1 hr 30 min duration, which contains problems of maths and Science (Phy and Chem ) based on class Xth syllabus. (this test will provide us child’s aptitude for problem solving )

Through this process admissions officer get a glimpse of who you really are and what sets you apart from all the rest.

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