Brilliant Pala Scholarship For Repeaters 2018 August Batch :

Organisation : Brilliant Study Centre, Pala
Scholarship Name : Scholarship For Repeaters 2018 August Batch
Applicable For : Students who have completed Class X in 2017 March
Website :
Notification :

Repeaters Scholarship :

Scholarship For Repeaters 2018 August Batch

Related / Similar Scholarship : Brilliant Pala Scholarship Exam 2019

Section A – 2017 Entrance Rank Base :
Medical: Neet Kerala Rank for Kerala Students : Rank up to 1500
For all other state students NEET All India Rank : Rank up to 8000
Scholarship Amount % of Course Fee: 100 % (Rs. 49000)
Amount to be remitted Reg Fee + Fee + GST + CD: Rs. 3360

Medical: Neet Kerala Rank for Kerala Students : Rank 1501 – 3000
For all other state students NEET All India Rank : Rank up to 8001 – 10000
Scholarship Amount % of Course Fee: 75 % (Rs. 36750)
Amount to be remitted Reg Fee + Fee + GST + CD: Rs. 17815

Medical: Neet Kerala Rank for Kerala Students : Rank 3001 – 3500
For all other state students NEET All India Rank : Rank up to 10001 – 12000
Scholarship Amount % of Course Fee: 50 % (Rs. 24500)
Amount to be remitted Reg Fee + Fee + GST + CD: Rs. 32270

Medical: Neet Kerala Rank for Kerala Students : Rank 3501 – 4500
For all other state students NEET All India Rank : Rank up to 12001 – 15000
Scholarship Amount % of Course Fee: 30 % (Rs. 14700)
Amount to be remitted Reg Fee + Fee + GST + CD: Rs. 43834

For all candidates having minimum eligibility :
Scholarship Amount % of Course Fee : Rs. 5000
Amount to be remitted Reg Fee + Fee + GST + CD : Rs. 55280

Note :
Must submit proof (NEET Kerala Rank/NEET All India Rank / Previous studenship) at the time of admission itself. A student can select only one – the best one – scholarship from sections A or B.

Important Points To Remember:
1. Brilliant provides conveyance facility to various hostels.
2. There will be weekly exam on EVERY MONDAY or on a convenient day.
3. Be modest in dress pattern and hence students should follow a Dress Code within the campus & hostels. Girl students must wear shawl with different types of tops.
4. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the campus. Parents and students are requested to comply with this instructions strictly.
5. The knowledge of Malayalam language is essential for a perfect understanding of the classes.
6. Applying for the ENTRANCE EXAMS is the sole resposibility of the student and parent.
7. Holidays for Pooja/Muharam: 2017 September 29, 30 & October 1.

Christmas Vacation:
Starts on 22nd December 2017 afternoon and re-opens on 1st January, 2018.

Norms for Refund of Fees for Repeaters 2018 :
1. Application for refund has to be submitted in the office in prescribed form.
2. No refund will be made for the amount remitted towards REGISTRATION (` 2000/- + Service Tax).

3. Refund of the course fee will be made subject to following conditions:
a) Application for refund will be considered only if the entire course fee has been remitted.
b) Refund will be calculated based on the date on which proper application is submitted. Number of classes attended will not be taken into consideration while determining the amount of refund.
c) Informing over the phone, email or in person regarding the discontinuing the course is not the claim for the refund. Refund calculation is done only on the basis of the receipt of refund application in our office.

4. The application for refund should be signed by the Parent/Guardian and the Student
5. No Dues Certificate from library is to be submitted along with the application for refund. Course material supplied need not be returned.
6. Application for refund should be submitted in our office by hand or through registered post. Those who submit the application for refund in person should ensure that proper acknowledgement is obtained for the same.
7. Refund will be made in between 15 to 30 days of receipt of the application by way of cheque in favour of the student.
8. Refund of GST will be made as per the norms prevailing at the time of refund. © 2022

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