SSA Punjab Denotified Tribes Scholarship Scheme :

Organisation : Punjab Department of School Education
Scheme Name : Denotified Tribes Scholarship Scheme
Applicable State : Punjab
Website :
Scholarship Guidelines :

Denotified Tribes Scholarship :

Welfare of Other Than Backward Classes/ Denotified Tribes (Vimukat Jaties) (Non Plan)

Related / Similar Scholarship : SSA Punjab Upgradation of Merit to SC

The object of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the Denotified Tribes (Vimukat Jaties) students for studying at School/College level.

Year of Start:
This scheme was introduced during the year 1914. This scheme is being implemented through DPI (E.E.), DPI(S), DPI (C), Director, Technical and Industrial Training and Director, Research and Medical Education, Punjab. The idea was to encourage Vimukat Jatis people to attend schools.

Norms :
The students whose parents/guardians income does not exceed Rs. 50,000/- per annum are only entitled to get stipend under this scheme.

The monthly rates of stipend to Vimukat Jaties under this scheme are as under:-
Day Scholar :
1. Primary Rs.30/- P.M.
2. Middle Rs.40/- P.M.
3. High/Higher Sec. Rs.63/- P.M.
4. JBT Course/ Clerical & Commercial Classes Rs.314/- P.M.
5. F.A./F.Sc. Rs.79/- P.M., 95/- P.M.
6. B.A./B.Sc/B.Com Rs.118/-, 150/-, 236/- P.M.
7. Polytechnic Rs.157/- P.M.
8. Law/B.T./B.Ed. Rs.353/- P.M.
9. M.A./M.Sc Rs.196/- P.M.
10. Medical Engineering Rs. 314/-,477/- P.M.

Hosteller :
1. Primary Rs. 134/- P.M.
2. Middle Rs. 196/- P.M.
3. High/Higher Sec. Rs. 236/- P.M.
4. JBT Course/ Clerical & Commercial Classes Rs.314/- P.M.
5. F.A./F.Sc. Rs.298/-, 314/- P.M.
6. B.A./B.Sc/B.Com Rs.332/-, 432/-, 550/-P.M.
7. Polytechnic Rs. 432/- P.M.
8. Law/B.T./B.Ed.Rs.628/- P.M.
9. M.A./M.Sc Rs.470/- P.M.
10. Medical Engineering Rs.588/-, 745/- P.M.

This scheme has been covered under Online Banking Management System for the year 2012-13.

Know About OBC Pre-Matric Scholarship :
Even after 50 years of Independence and in spite of various measures taken to improve the level of education in the country literacy levels among Backward Classes, particularly among women continues to be extremely low.

Keeping in view the facts stated in above paragraph, Govt. of India, has introduced the scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship to those OBC students whose parents/guardians income from all sources does not exceed to Rs.44,500/- per annum from the 9th Five year Plan.

Ad-Hoc Grant:
An ad-hoc grant of Rs.500/- per students per annum to day scholars will also be given.

The Scholarship amount will be payable from the date of Joining to the date of leaving the school, excluding the period of vocation, which will be about 10 months in a year except in the cases where the students enters late or leaves early in the midst of academic year.

Funding Pattern :
Funding pattern under the scheme is 50:50 . The scheme will be implemented by the Education Department i.e. Director, Public Instruction (S) and (EE).

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