icar.org.in SJ Sitaram Jindal Research Fellowship Scheme 2015 : Indian Council of Agricultural Research

Organization : Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Fellowship Name : SJ Sitaram Jindal Research Fellowship Scheme 2015
Applicable For : PhD/MD/MS/ M.Tech Students
Applicable States : All India

Website :https://icar.org.in/

SJ Sitaram Jindal Research Fellowship Scheme 2015 :

Jindal Aluminium Ltd, Jindal Nagar, Tumkur Road, Bangalore-560073 (hereafter called JAL) and Sitaram Jindal Foundation, 11 Green Avenue, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110 070 (hereinafter called SJ Foundation) which are consistently engaged in the field of Charitable and philanthropic activities in India since 1969, in furtherance to their said endeavour and sublime approach for the benefit of the general masses, have instituted the ‘Sitaram Jindal Research Fellowship Scheme’ to encourage and inspire the talent and recognize excellence in innovation and research.

SJ Foundation would manage the Research Fellowship Scheme on behalf of JAL.

Fellowship :

** Up to Rs. 1 lakh per month
** The amount of Fellowship per month would depend upon whether the scholar is gainfully employed and is getting salary for his current employment in a Research Organisation or is getting only this fellowship. The Fellowship amount would also depend on the following
** Qualifications and Experience of the Candidate.
** Proven Track Record as evident from the innovations done in the past, Quality of Publications and Recognitions.
** Relevance and Importance of the Research Topic for the common man.
** In addition, the Research Fellow will also get a Contingency grant of a maximum of Rs. 10 lakhs per year, the quantum of which will also depend upon the need of such contingency funding. The contingency grant will take care of the actual contingent expenditure incurred in pursuance of the ‘Research and Innovation’ work. This amount can be used for the following
** For acquisition of Books, Documents of relevance to the project as approved by the Head of Department/Host Institution.
** For publication of articles/papers in reputed journals and filing for patents connected with this research work.
** To meet petty expenses for the purchase of chemicals, reagents, stationery, postage, Registration fee for attending workshops/conferences.
** For travel expenses including one foreign travel/foreign attachment during the entire research project period. The approval for foreign travel/foreign attachment will be given by SJ Foundation on the recommendation of the Host Institution.
** Contingent grant cannot be used on furniture, office equipments including Computers, laptops etc. The use of contingency grant will be governed by guidelines issued from time to time by SJ Foundation.
** The Fellowship will be sanctioned to the individual(s) who are either attached or are going to be attached to the Institutions which have the infrastructure facilities for the type of research work to be undertaken, besides guidance and supervision of the Fellow doing the Research. A certificate to this effect has to be obtained by the applicant from the Host Institution which should be submitted with his application to SJ Foundation. The application should be sent through the Host Institution duly recommended by the Head of the Dept.
** The Host Institution will get Rs. 4 lakhs per year per Research Fellow as overhead expenditure and for monitoring, supervising and controlling the fellow and the expenditure of funds to ensure that the funds are properly utilised and are not misused and to avoid extravagance.

Field of Research :

The proposed area of research/work of the candidate could be in any of the following fields:
** Any field of Science in its broadest terms including (but not limited to) Engineering and Technology, Medicine including Indian Systems of Medicine with special emphasis on Naturopathy, Agriculture, Vet. Sc., Environment etc.
** Innovative solutions to the problems faced by the country and the people of India in any field.
** Towards poverty alleviation – innovations to benefit the poor in a big way.


** Open to all Indians living in India or abroad. The Research work should be conducted in India. Persons of Indian origin who have acquired foreign nationality are not eligible.
** Should have PhD or MD/ MS in Medicine or M.Tech or equivalent, in the relevant field.
** The subject of research should be absolutely non-controversial having no alignment towards or against a particular sect or religion or with any intent to propagate a particular ideology or concept directed to develop any religious, caste or communal feelings in the society.
** The topic of study/research should be beneficial to the general populace of the country particularly to the under privileged and vulnerable groups.
** The candidate should have proven high calibre academic and research track record as evident from the quality of publications, recognitions and intellectual property rights obtained.
** The research fellows, who are employed by the Host Institution, should devote at least 50% of their time on research under this fellowship scheme.
** All the other research fellows who are not employed by the Host Institution should carry out research continuously on full time basis under this fellowship scheme.
** The candidate should not accept any other fellowship/scholarship or stipend except with the prior permission of SJ Foundation. The candidate may continue to get the salary, as permitted by SJ Foundation, from the institution where he is employed and where the research is being conducted.
** The research fellow who is employed by the Host institution and is drawing salary from it, should get a “No Objection” letter from the institution stating that the institution has no objection to their employee undertaking research under this Fellowship Scheme.
** The proposed research work should be original. The JAL/SJF will be immune and will stand indemnified in case of any legal infringement of copyright, patent and trademark and/or any other legal infringement committed by the candidate.
** Preference will be given to ‘Innovative Research’ leading to tangible outcomes.


Initially for 3 years which can be extended up to a maximum total of 6 years depending upon the quality and the quantity of the research work done so far, need for extension and the likely outcome of further research work. The SJ Foundation will take a decision on extension on the basis of the recommendations of the Head of Department and the Host Institution after evaluation by the experts, if considered necessary.


** The application form (Annexure ‘A’) and all other relevant information can be downloaded from the “Sitaram Jindal Research Fellowship Scheme” website www.sjfellowship.org
** The applicant will register himself and submit his application for research fellowship on the website of the Fellowship Scheme in the prescribed form (Annexure ‘A’) after getting the consent of the Host Institution. He will also submit the signed hard copy of his application in the prescribed form along with attested copies of certificates/recommendations to the Host Institution.
** Applications sent directly to SJ Foundation will not be considered.
** The applications for fellowship can be sent any time of the year. There is no last date.
** The Host Institution will forward the hard copy of the application (Annexure ‘A’) received from the candidate after filling up Part-2 of the application form along with supporting documents duly signed by the Head of Dept. with their recommendation on their official letterhead to The Secy. General, Sitaram Jindal Foundation, 11, Green Avenue, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 by post.
** The Host Institution will also register itself on the fellowship scheme website and recommend the application on the website also for further processing the application by SJ Foundation Secretariat.
** The hard copies of the application and the host institution’s recommendation on the hard copy are only for record. The processing of applications for research fellowship will be done only on the website of the fellowship scheme.

Categories Fellowship/Grants

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