SSA Punjab Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship Scheme :

Organisation : Punjab Department of School Education
Scholarship Name : Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Minority Community Students
Applicable State : Punjab
Website :
Scholarship Guidelines :

Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship :

The Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for the Welfare of Minorities was announced in June, 2006. It provides that a pre-matric scholarship scheme for meritorious students from minority communities would be implemented.

Related / Similar Scholarship : SSA Punjab Post Matric Minority Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded for studies in India in a government or private school from class I to class X, including such residential Government institutes and eligible private institutes selected and notified in a transparent manner by the State Government and Union Territory Administration concerned.

Scholarship will be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination and annual income of their parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh.

Earmarking For Girl Students :
30% of scholarship will be earmarked for girl students. In case sufficient number of eligible girl students are not available, then the balance earmarked scholarships may be awarded to eligible boy students.

Selection :
As the number of scholarships for minorities available in a year is fixed and limited it is necessary to lay down preference for selection. Inter-se selection weightage is to be given to poverty rather than marks. In case of the renewal applications, such applications would be fully exhausted before the new applications are considered.

The scholarships will be provided for the entire course. Maintenance allowance will be given for 10 months only in an academic year.

Conditions For Scholarship:
(i) Scholarship will be available to the students of minority community studying in Classes I to X. The continuance of award will be subject to securing 50% marks in the previous examination. Maintenance allowance will be provided to hostellers and day scholars.
(ii) The award will be discontinued if a student fails to secure 50% marks in the annual examination except in case of unavoidable reasons to be certified by the Principal/competent authority of the school and recommended by the State Government/Union Territory Administration.
(iii) Scholarship will not be given to more than two students from a family.
(iv) Students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick will be decided by the competent authority of the school.
(v) Income Certificate; Income certificate from the employer for employed parents/guardian or Certificate to be issued by the Competent Authority declared by the State Government/ UT Administration.
(vi) The school/institute will certify the claim of student of being an outstation student not residing in hostel of the school/institute concerned.
(vii) Migration of student from one school/institute to another would not normally be during the course of academic year except under exceptional circumstances and in the interest of student’s academic career.

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