SSA Punjab Post Matric Scholarships To OBC Other Backward Classes :

Organisation : Punjab Department of School Education
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarships To OBC Other Backward Classes
Applicable For : OBC Students
Applicable State : Punjab
Website :
Scholarship Guidelines :

OBC Post Matric Scholarships :

The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the OBC students studying at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education.

Related / Similar Scholarship : SSA Punjab SC Encouragement Award

Conditions & Eligibility :
i. Employed students whose income combined with the income of their parents/guardians does not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakh per annum shall be eligible for post-matric scholarships to the extent of reimbursement of all compulsorily payable non-refundable fees.

ii. The scholarships will be open to Indian nationals belonging to OBCs, as notified by the State Govt.

iii. These scholarships will be given for the study of all recognized post-matriculation or post-secondary courses pursued in recognized institutions with the following exceptions: “Scholarships shall not be awarded for training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Course and Private Pilot License Courses.

iv. Only those candidates who belong to OBCs so specified in relation to the State to which the applicant actually belongs, i.e. permanently settled and who have passed the Matriculation or Higher secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education will be eligible.

v. Candidates who, after passing one stage of education, are studying in the same stage of education in different subject e.g. I. Sc. after I.A or B.Com. after B.A. or M.A. in a subject after M.A in another subject will not be eligible.

vi. Students who, after having completed their educational career in one professional line, e.g., LLB after B.T/B. Ed will not be eligible.

vii. Students studying in XI Class of the Higher Secondary School courses or the XII class of the Multipurpose High School will not be eligible for it being a continuous school course.

viii. Students pursuing Post-graduate courses in medicine will be eligible if they are not allowed to practice during the period of their course.

ix. Students who after failing or passing the Under Graduate/Post-Graduate examinations in Arts/science/Commerce join any recognized professional or Technical certificate/diploma/degree courses will be awarded scholarships if otherwise eligible.

x. Students who pursue their studies through correspondence courses will be eligible towards reimbursement of non-refundable fee. The term correspondence includes distant and continuing education.

xi. Only two boys of the same parents/guardian will be entitled to receive scholarships. This restriction will, however, not apply to girls. Accordingly, scholarship availed by girls of same parents/guardian will not adversely affect admissibility of availing scholarship upto two boys of same parents/guardian.

xii. A scholarship holder under this Scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend.

Value of Scholarship :
The value of scholarship will include Maintenance Allowance, Reader Charges for blind students, reimbursement of compulsory non-refundable fees, Study Tour Charges/thesis typing/printing charges and book allowance for students pursuing correspondence course, for complete duration of the course

Scholars will be paid enrolment/registration, tuition, games, union, library, magazine, medical examination and such other fees compulsorily payable by the scholar to the institution or University/Board. Refundable deposit-like caution money, security deposit will, however, be excluded.

Study Tours:
Study tour charges upto a maximum of Rs. 900/- per annum limited to the actual expenditure incurred by the student on transportation charges etc., will be paid to the scholars studying professional and technical courses, provided that the head of the institution certifies that the study tour is essential for the scholar for completion of his/her course of study.

Thesis Typing /Printing charges:
Thesis typing/printing charges upto a maximum of Rs. 1000 will be paid to research scholars on the recommendation of the Head of the Institution.

Categories Punjab

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  • I I am student of Patiala Uni Punjab. I got admission in master of library course year 2017 & fee 15,704., I am married. Income is lesser than 60000 annual. Please help me for post scholarship. © 2022

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