SSA Punjab Pre-Matric Scholarship to Children of Those Parents Engaged in Unclean Occupations :

Organisation : Punjab Department of School Education
Scholarship Name : Pre-Matric Scholarship to Children of Those Parents Engaged in Unclean Occupations
Applicable For : Children of Those Parents Engaged in Unclean Occupations
Applicable State : Punjab
Website :
Scholarship Guidelines :

Pre-Matric Scholarship :

Pre-Matric Scholarship to Children of Those Parents Engaged in Unclean Occupations. (Non- Plan/ Centrally Sponsored Scheme)

Related / Similar Scholarship : Punjab Brilliant Award to SC

Conditions of Eligibility:
i) Scholarship will be admissible to the children/wards of Indian Nationals who, irrespective of their religion are:
a) either presently engaged in manual scavenging or were so engaged up-to or after 1.1.97 or the date on which the “The Employment of manual scavengers and construction of Dry latrines (Prohibition) Act 1993” came into force in their State/UT, whichever is earlier;
b) presently engaged in Taining and/or Flaying.

ii) Children who are born to parents who are not engaged in such occupations, but have been adopted by such person (as mentioned in sub para 2(i) above) will be eligible for scholarship only after a lapse of three years from the date of such adoption provided that they have been living with the adopted parents since the date of such adoption.

Such children will be eligible only if their parents furnish such certificates (such as of proof of their occupation, date of adoption etc.) as may be required by the concerned State Government/Union Territory administration.

iii) A certificate should be obtained from the eligible candidates as follows:
a) From Children/wards mentioned in sub-para 2(i)(a):
Only once, at the time of their first application/renewal, as the case may be, of Pre-matric Scholarship, after the coming into force of this revision (of 2011), to the effect that at least one percent belongs to the relevant categories;

b) From Children/wards mentioned in sub-para 2(i)(b)
Every year, to the effect that at least one parents is currently engaged in tanning and/or flaying.

Coverage, Value of Scholarship & Adhoc Grant :
The coverage and rate of scholarships as per revised scheme are as under. The students as Day-scholars will be covered from Class-I to X class.

The rate of scholarship are as under:-
** Class I to II Rs. 110/- p.m. for 10 months in a year
** Class III to XI Rs. 110/- p.m. for 10 months in a year.

Adhoc Grant :
In addition to above, Rs. 750/- per annum for Day –scholar, is also provided to each student as ad-hoc grant. No income ceiling has been prescribed to get the scholarship under this scheme.

The 100% expenditure over and above the committed liability of the State i.e. Rs. 64.56 lac is borne by the Centre Govt. This scheme has been covered under Dedicated Social Security Fund from the year 2005-06.

Additional Provisions For Students Amongst Target Groups With Disabilities :
(a) Reader Allowance of Rs. 100 per month for blind students in Classes IX and X.
(b) Transport allowance of Rs. 50 per month for the disabled students not residing in the hostel located within the premises of educational institution.
(c) Special pay of Rs. 100 per month would be admissible to any employee of the hostel willing to extend help to a severely orthopedically handicapped student residing in a hostel managed by the educational institution or by the State Government/Union Territory Administration who may need the assistance of a helper.
(d) Escort allowance of Rs. 50 per month for severely handicapped day scholars students with lower extremity disability.
(e) Allowance of Rs. 100 per month towards extra coaching to mentally retarded and mentally ill students in classes IX to X.

The provisions proposed in (b) to (d) above also apply to leprosy cured students. © 2022

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