JC Bose National Fellowships 2015 : Science & Engineering Research Board

Organization : Science & Engineering Research Board
Fellowship Name : JC Bose National Fellowships 2015
Applicable For : Indian Nationals
Applicable States : All India
Application Last Date : No Last Date

Website :
Form & Guidelines:

JC Bose National Fellowships:
Nominations are invited for the JC Bose National Fellowships, newly instituted by the Government of India. The fellowship is meant to recognize active scientists and engineers for their outstanding performance and contributions. The Science & Engineering Research Board will administer this scheme. The fellowships are scientist–specific and very selective.

All areas of science (in the broadest terms) will be covered by this fellowship.

i) The fellowship is open to Indian Nationals residing in India, with upper age limit of 68 years for completion of fellowship.
ii) The applicant should possess a higher degree or equivalent: namely Ph.D. in Science/Engineering, Masters in Engineering or Technology/MD in Medicine, etc. and must have carried out several years of work in the specific area.
iii) These Fellowships are meant for those who have a proven track–record as evident from their research publications and recognitions.
iv) The candidate must have a regular position in an Institute /Organization and should be engaged in research. If he /she is availing any other fellowship, he/she will have to opt for only one of the fellowships.

The duration of the fellowship will be initially for five years.

Nature of Support:
** The value of the fellowship will be Rs. 25,000 per month in addition to regular income.
** In addition, each Fellow will receive a research grant of Rs. 10.00 lakh per annum for conferences and other expenses.
** The JC Bose National Fellows would be eligible for regular research grants through the extramural funding schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.

Methodology For Selection:
** The Institution in which the candidate is working would provide the necessary R&D, administrative and basic infrastructural support for research.
** The candidate will continue to work at the place of his employment.
** The availability of JC Bose Fellowships will be advertised by various academic and research Institutions on their websites in order to receive applications from the interested scientists and engineers. The Institutions will subsequently submit their recommended nominations to the Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB). Institutions may consider setting up appropriate mechanisms to scrutinize and recommend the nominations.
** Individual scientists and engineers can also approach the institutions for forwarding their nominations to SERB for the Fellowship.
** Selection of JC Bose Fellows will be made periodically by an empowered Search-cum-Selection Committee specially appointed for the purpose.
** The nominations of scientists and technologists by the Institutions would be received throughout the year.

There is, thus, no last date for this Scheme.

All nominations (original plus 4 photocopies) may be sent to:
Science and Engineering Research Board
5 & 5A, Lower Ground Floor
Vasant Square Mall
Sector-B, Pocket-5
Vasant Kunj
New Delhi-110070 © 2022

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