MOE Singapore SIA Youth Scholarship 2016 For 10th Standard Completed Indian Students : Ministry of Education

Organization : Ministry of Education Singapore
Scholarship Name : SIA Youth Scholarship 2016
Applicable For : 10th Standard Completed Students in the Year 2015
Applicable States : All India
Application Last Date : 12 July 2015
Test & Interview City: Delhi

Website :
Apply Online :

SIA Youth Scholarship :

The SIA Youth Scholarship is tenable for 2 years of Pre-University studies in selected Singapore Junior Colleges leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced’ (GCE ‘A’) Level (or equivalent) certificate.

Update : MOE Singapore SIA Youth Scholarship For Indian Students 2019 :

The Scholarship is for 2 years of Pre-University studies in selected Singapore Junior Colleges and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.

Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship:
** Nationals of India
** Born between 1997 and 1999
** Completed Standard 10 in the Year 2015
** Possess outstanding academic track record (at least an average of 85% / minimum ‘A’ with English as first language in the Standard 10 State/National examinations)

Important Dates:
Any dates given below are tentative and are subject to changes.

Activity – Date:
Application Period – 5 June to 12 July 2015
Selection Test – End August to early September 2015
Selection Interview -End October to early November 2015
Award of Scholarship – Mid to late November 2015
Arrival of Scholar in Singapore – Mid January 2016

Candidates short-listed for the selection test/interview will be notified a week before the selection test/interview dates. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Test and Interview City: Delhi

Terms and Conditions:
** Annual allowance of S$2,400 with hostel accommodation
** Settling-in allowance of S$500 (once only)
** Return economy class air passage
** Coverage of school fees (excluding miscellaneous fees)
** Coverage of GCE ‘A’ Level examination fees (once only)
** Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover

Application Procedures:
Applicants are to apply online using the online application system. Each applicant should submit only ONE application only. If you encounter difficulties during your online application, you may contact Customer Service Centre at +65 6872 2220.

Please follow the application steps:
Step 1:
Submit your application via our online application system.

Step 2:
All applicants are to send certified copies of the following items directly to the Singapore Ministry of Education.

The documents should arrive before the closing date (12 July 2015):
** Birth Certificate;
** Identity Card / Passport (if any); and
** Final Examination Result Slips for the last two years (Standard 9 final examinations and Standard 10 State/National Board examinations)

SIA Youth Scholarships / < Indicate online application number for online applicants>:
c/o School Placement & Scholarships Branch
Ministry of Education
1 North Buona Vista Drive,
Podium Block
Singapore 138675
Attn — Mr Ng Eng Joo

Original documents that are not in English must be translated to English. The translated documents must be accompanied by a photocopy of the original documents. Please do not send in any original documents as they will not be returned. There will be no acknowledgement of receipt of documents.


View Comments (8)

  • I just got to know about this scholarship today. How can I send hard copy through post within the specified date? or can I send it through internet?

  • My birth year is 2000. Can I still apply for the sia scholarship?
    Is it for the students who have passed 10th in 2015-16 session?

  • My daughter achieved 87.4% in class 10 from Ursuline convent Ranchi Jharkhand .
    Name: Priya Kumari
    Whether we are applicable for the same?

  • I have already applied for the sia scholarship.
    Is the scholarship admins or their agents will contact me? Today I received a call from their agents but that call was taken by my mom and she didn't know English well but when I take the phone the call was already rejected by them. When I call them back they did not the pick phone call. For this reason will they reject my scholarship?
    Please tell me! © 2022

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