KSWCFC Merit Scholarships To Kerala Students For Graduate Level Studies

Organization : Kerala State Welfare Corporation For Forward Communities Limited
Scholarship Name : Merit Scholarships To Students For Graduate Level Studies
Applicable To : Forward Community Students (Below 35 Years)
Applicable State: Kerala

Website : http://www.kswcfc.org/index.php/staff-details/78-kswcfc-general/90-scholarship-schemes-2014-15-eng
Scholarship Details: https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/1512-sch2.pdf

Merit Scholarships To Students For Graduate Level Studies :

Merit Scholarships To Economically Backward Sections Among The Forward Communities Of Kerala- To Pursue Programmes In Graduate Level (Professional/Non- Professional) Courses

Related : KSWCFC Kerala Dr. Ambedkar Post-Matric Scholarship 2019-20 : www.scholarships.net.in/37906.html

I. Background:
Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Limited is a Government of Kerala undertaking established for the comprehensive development of economically backward sections of the forward communities. In the Financial Year 2013-14 KSWCFC Ltd had successfully launched merit scholarships to the target groups and distributed Rs 140 lakhs for pursuing higher education leading to degree level courses in various streams. During the current year, Scholarship will be provided to new applicants to pursue graduate level courses in Govt/aided colleges/institutions recognized by universities in Kerala and will continue the Scholarships to all eligible existing awardees, who are continuing their respective courses in the year 2014-15.

II. Scope of the scheme:
The scheme covers all professional/non-professional courses offered by Government/aided/self financing colleges, Universities, research & scientific institutions in Kerala at bachelor’s level. But preferences will be given to students undergoing courses in Govt/aided institutions over those students studying in self financing institution.

III. Implementing agency:
Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Limited is the nodal agency for implementing the scheme. The scheme will be notified through Print and Electronic Media.

IV. The Scheme:
Under the scheme scholarship will be provided to the finally selected candidates belonging to economically backward sections of forward communities for pursuing Graduate level courses in Engineering, Medicine(MBBS,BDS,BVSC,BAMS,BHMS etc.) Management, Arts, Nursing & Paramedical (Bsc Nursing B Pharm,BSC MLT BPT etc.) Commerce, Pure sciences, Agricultural science, Law etc. in institutions/colleges recognized by various universities in Kerala.

V. Rate & No. of Scholarships:
The Scholarship will cover the actual course fee, exam fee & hostel fee not exceeding an amount of Rs. 10,000 /- annum. In the case of new awardees, from 2014-15 onwards 1:1 ratio will be maintained between professional/non professional courses.

VI. Eligibility:
(i)Any student belonging to forward community, below 35 (Thirty Five) years, as on First day of the month of the Advertisement of the Scheme (groups of people who do not come under the purview of reservation scheme operated by the Government of India or any of the State Governments in India and those groups who are not listed as other backward classes , scheduled classes and scheduled tribes and OECs) and whose annual family income not exceeding Rs. 2 lakhs ( Rupees Two lakhs Only) per annum, are eligible to apply
(ii) A first class or 60% or equivalent grade in the relevant +2/higher secondary level examination.
(iii) Any student belonging to the aforesaid category who has been admitted to bachelors degree in a college/institutions duly recognized by a University in Kerala, is eligible for the award of merit scholarship.
(iv) Those students who are availing similar scholarships or stipends from Central or State Government or any other body shall not be eligible for these scholarships.
(v) The candidate shall not change the course of study for which scholarships has been sanctioned.
(vi) Only those, doing regular and full time course in a College/ Institution duly affiliated by the universities in Kerala shall be eligible for the scholarship.
(vii) Preference will be given to those students undergoing courses in Govt./aided colleges over students undergoing courses in self financing Institution/self financing courses.

VII. Selection Procedure:
The Scheme will be advertised in the newspapers and also in the website of the Corporation (www.kswcfc.org) giving summarized information about the Scheme. The candidates shall after assessing their eligibility and suitability, as per conditions of the Scheme, apply through the website www.kswcfc.org in the prescribed application form. The applicant shall also forward the print-outs of application along with the credentials to KSWCFC Ltd for verification. The last date of receiving applications will also be mentioned in the advertisement/website. Thereafter, all applications received up to the last date will be scrutinized by the Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Limited. The beneficiaries will be selected based on their annual family income i.e by giving priority to lower income. In case of tie-up for two or more candidates % of marks obtained in +2 /higher secondary examination will take in to consideration.

VIII. Mode of disbursement:
Scholarship will be disbursed to the finally selected students through the bank accounts of SBT/SBI.

IX. Jurisdiction of the Scheme:
The jurisdiction of the Scheme is up to providing prescribed financial support to the selected candidates for pursuing higher education in the specified subjects. The Scheme does not cover employment aspects of the awardees and also does not provide for any kind of assistance to the awardee in seeking employment anywhere, after his/her having availed the award.

X. Furnishing of False Information:
If any candidate has furnished any false information/document and is established as false, he/she will be debarred from the award and if he/she has availed of it or is availing, an action will be initiated for recovery of the merit fellowship/scholarship spent with 15% compound interest thereon. Such candidate will also be black listed for any future assistance.

XI. General Conditions:
i. KSWCFC is the nodal agency for implementing the scheme.
ii. KSWCFC notifies the scheme by inserting suitable advertisement in the print and electronic media.
iii. For new awardees ,from 2014-15 onwards 1:1 ratio will be maintained between professional/non professional courses.
iv. Scholarship will be disbursed to the selected candidates through the applicants bank accounts of SBT/SBI.
v. KSWCFC will evolve its own mechanism for verifying the genuineness of the certificates furnished by the candidates in order to eliminate the possibility of students availing of the merit scholarship on fake certificates.
vi. Annual family income of the applicant that is by giving priority to lower income groups
vii. Preference will be given to those students undergoing courses in Govt./aided colleges over students undergoing courses in self financing Institution/self financing courses.
viii. The decision of the KSWCFC in regard to awarding the merit scholarship shall be final and no appeal would lie against any decision by KSWCFC in regard thereof.

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View Comments (51)


  • I am Akhilesh studying B.Sc Botany first year. I was applied for this scholarship last two times except this year. But you are not considered my attempt. My application number is 2016/SSE/00006338. During this year, I have applied for a new one. That application number is 2017/SUG/00000383.

  • I am studying final year B.Sc Mathematics. I have not get the scholarship yet. I have been applying for last 2 times. I have scored 92% marks in my HSC exam. Please inform the mistakes in my application or the reason why I am not qualified for this scholarship.

  • I got a registration no and can login to my account. What is the next procedure? How can I add bank details to it?

  • I am studying final year B.Pharm and I applied for kswcfc scholarship on 2/12/15. But I didn't got scholarship or any information related to it. May I know the reason for it?

    • I don't know whether scholarship was sanctioned to me. May I know the list of the selected students of 2015 at graduate level?

  • I am a student of nursing (post basic bsc nursing) in Mangalore karnataka. When can I apply this scholarship? My native place is Kerala.

  • I have a doubt about the scholarship. I am a B-tech first year student studying in a self financing college. But I was admitted based on my keam rank and score(through government allotment). Am I able to get the scholarship? If not, is it only because I am studying in a self financing college? My personal details satisfies all other conditions.

  • l am a third year B pharm student in Kerala university. What can I do to get this scholarship? What are the criteria for this scholarship?

  • My daughter is studying BCom (1st year) course in a UIT. May she be eligible for apply the scholarship?

  • I am an applicant of the scholarship with all the rules and regulations prescribed in it. When will I get my scholarship? It is almost getting over an year.

  • Now I am prepare medical entrance first time. I am studying plus two. How to apply this scholarship?

  • I have applied for this scholarship. But no how can I renew on this year. And in which month on-wards will I get the scholarship money?

  • In 2015 I applied for Engineering scholarship. How can I know that my details are updated? Is there any further list of beneficiary to be published?

  • I have registered for this scholarship in December 2015 till not received any information about status of scholarship.

  • My daughter mbbs student had applied for this scholarship. In which month she will get this scholarship?

  • I am final year english literature student. It is mentioned that the scholarship would be disbursed through SBI/SBTbank account holders but i have applied with my Canara bank account. Am i disqualified from this scholarship?

  • I'm Anjali,final year BCA student. I would like to apply for this scholarship. How can I apply for this? Please inform me about the details.

  • From where will I get a model of certificate to prove that I am the student of that institution? In the site it is not available

  • I am a BA final year student.I got scholarship last year. I am applied renewal also but not get money yet. My application no is 2015/SUGR/00543. Please forward the status Immediately

  • I am Jyothi R Pillai first year BSc Chemistry student. I would like to apply four under graduate scholarship of 2015-2016.
    When should I apply for you?

  • I am 21yrs & doing 1st year M.com Post graduation. I belong to forward community. Can I apply for this scholarship? If yes, please inform the website address and the last date of submitting the application


  • I am Saranya .P. Scholarship for pg students 2014-15 has sanctioned to me but did not received yet. Please let me know why it is. My application no is 2015/SPG/0834


  • I am Geetika Sanjeev first year BA Literature student. I would like to apply for under graduate scholarship of 2015-16. When should I apply for i?

  • I applied for under graguate scholarsip for (Bsc phy- at vtmnss college, Dhanuvachapuram) for 2014-15. I did not know whether scholarship was sanctioned to me. I belong to a poor family. Please inform me

  • I am arya ,final year B.pharm student. I had got the kswcfc scholarship for last year. But I don't know how to renew it on this year. So I apply it in the usual manner. But the problem is that only list of beneficiaries in graduation renew is available on the site. So what I will do? May I get the scholarship?

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