Robo Champs Olympiad Scholarship 2017 Maharashtra :

Organisation : RoboChamps
Scholarship Name : Robo-Champs Olympiad Scholarship 2017 Maharashtra
Applicable For : Students of Class VIII, IX & X
Website :

Robo-Champs Olympiad :

It’s a talent search exam for 8th, 9th & 10th class students, which grills students on basics of mental ability and checks their conceptual clarity as well as their command over current subjects of SA-1/ 1st term syllabus.

Related : DHE Pune 2017-18 Post Matric Scholarship For Minorities :

This test offers every student a platform to compete with best of the brains of Tri-City, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal & Maharashtra and provides a focussed student with holistic benchmarking of his/her academic performance.

Eligibility :
Stage-1: All students studying in class 8th, 9th & 10th in academic year 2017-18 can participate through their school .

Stage-2: Shortlisted 30 students of Stage-1 from every school (each std) will participate in Stage-2

LTSE (Lakshya-Talent Search Examination): Gives a second chance to all students who appeared for Robo-Champs Stage-1 but could not get selected for Stage-2 & also for students who could not appear in Robo-Champ Stage-1 but are interested in giving Scholarship Test for joining regular Lakshya courses

Schedule Maharashtra :

How to Register?:
Registration Fee:
** No registration fee required for Robo-Champs Olympiad.
** We believe that there’s a hidden potential in every child and it just needs a timely identification and motivation at the right stage in life.
** Through Robo-Champs Olympiad we want to create a common platform for all students to come and express themselves and get tested at National Level.
** To go with the same feeling Robo-Champs Olympiad Examination do not have any Registration Fee. Any eligible child can sit for the exam FREE of cost and yet stand a chance of winning all the fabulous Prizes & Scholarships.

At School:
Registration Process for Robo-Champs Olympiad Stage-1:
As Robo-Champs Olympiad Stage-1 will be conducted across schools, so a school needs to fill Robo-Champs Olympiad form, duly signed by test coordinator or Vice Principal/Principal.

For details contact : Deepak Thakur – 9702915757

At Centre:
Please contact us on below given helpline nos.

Registration Update:
You would be getting all the updates on your registered mobile number filled by you in your OMR sheet.

Conditions for Prize :
** Presence of student during Prize distribution ceremony is must. Only then he/she would be getting his/her prize/trophy.
** School Test-Coordinators are required to accompany their prize winners on prize distribution ceremony.
** Admission to Lakshya is not compulsory for getting the prize (offered after Robo-Champs Olympiad Stage-1)
** Admission to Lakshya is compulsory for getting the Scholarship (offered after Robo-Champs Olympiad Satge-1&2 & LTSE) © 2022

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